Fixing PvP (the mode itself)

In among the Wand of Stars banter, Tresk had a good idea: what if there was a way to fix the PvP mode itself to make it more balanced? We don’t mean nerfing or boosting troops/weapons/whatever. We mean the mode itself!

What changes do you think would help balance or improve PvP as a game mode?
Let’s do some brainstorming!

Goal of this thread: Let most players with moderate skill be able to complete the 6500 point weekly PvP goals path, ideally within a few days of play.

This minimum seems reasonable as it’s a clear goal set by the game. It appears most players choose to stop around there. Hardcore players can go higher if they want, but a normal player should be able to get their gold marks for the week. You shouldn’t need to “git gud” or have teams made of endgame stuff to be able to complete the weekly goals. We want as many people having fun as possible!

List of ideas that have been posted (or that I have seen) will be in the next post.

What ideas do you have?
Can these ideas (outside of the “for completion sake” ones) be improved?

Please, come comment! Let’s brainstorm ideas to fix the mode!


Ideas so far (will be added or edited as they are posted)

Some of these are paraphrased from other people. Please forgive me for not listing names, but feel free to claim ideas or whatever if you like. Not all the ideas will be winners, but we need to brainstorm so I’m listing them anyway!

  • Correct the ranking glitches

Some platforms are seeing a glitch where everyone is promoted. This is leading to players being promoted to tiers where they can’t compete. Brought to my attention by Risa.

  • Base opponents on your current team’s cost.

In a nutshell, your team is set FIRST. Then, opponents are offered based on your team score. The score should remain fairly close (within 1500 points) to yours in points in order to keep things fair. Idea by Pyriel.

  • Rebalance how PvP handles points

Things like hero level and guild masteries are currently counted in, but aren’t a real reflection of what your team can do. You can have a fully maxed guild and a high level hero but a newbie team. Things like hero class, weapon, and other things that actually make a team more dangerous should weigh in heavier, not hero level and guild mastery. Idea by Pyriel.

  • Have non-PvP options for Glory

There are quests and Campaign steps that require Glory. Glory seems to only come from PvP. All other sources don’t count! If people could avoid PvP, they wouldn’t be so upset about it. Perhaps Glory could be earned in Adventure, Dungeon or Arena? The first two are limited and random. The latter is also PvP, but it’s a lot more balanced due to it’s randomized limited troop pool and lack of heroes.

  • Hero Classes should have to follow Colors / Troop Type / Areas Rules

If an area is restricted to a specific color, race, or home location, only hero classes that have that should be allowed. Example: Blackhawk, Rogue, or Blue would allow Corsair but not Archer. If a class has not reached level 20 yet (unlocks color and hero species), it can not be used. If no classes match, then that area does not allow hero classes at all. Idea by Marbles and LittleWombat

  • Your defense is NOT your last attack

Your defense team and defense team behavior should not be the same as your attacking team. This may reduce some of the damage-heavy teams people are seeing. Idea by Sylwani

  • Random no-Hero NPC defenders

Sprinkle in random but fair no-hero defender teams that count as “low level”. This used to be a thing… Idea by AMT

  • Make some areas hero-free zones

Give players the option to not use or face heroes. Sometimes Blood Frenzy should appear in Hero-Free zones. Potentially, even limit Heros to higher-danger areas like the Spire. Idea by Tresk and Rob17

  • Have a Casual Mode

Casual mode is more limited to prevent teams made of endgame items and bosses. The weekly rewards remain the same, but you can’t go past 6500 VP there. You won’t gain rankings and can’t get the top 3 player bonus reward in Casual. Gnomes will still appear as usual. Dust_Angel and Darklord1 with some additions by Marbles.

  • Bring back version 7.3’s restrictions

People miss it and had less complaints. There were troop and weapon restrictions in pvp and also 2 class experience per battle. Prior to 7.3, people could use pvp to grind class experience while perhaps hunting for pet gnomes. Sometimes limits are a good thing. When you have everything unlocked, that can cause problems. Idea by Tresk and ZuulGoth

  • Be able to save favorite teams

You should be able to save and use teams, like in the main game or the older version of PvP. Having to manually edit your team every time you fight is annoying and time consuming. rbchaffe

  • PvP Buffs only work for attack, not defense

Right now tokens and Monolith buffs count when defending and don’t run out. This is not fair to the attackers. If you lose a defense it does nothing to you, but an attacker is losing time and resources they can not get back without winning. It’s a lot harder to win when your opponent has boosted stats and you don’t. Eventually attackers can’t afford tokens/sigils and won’t be able to compete.

  • Tokens also aren’t consumed if you lose

Addendum to above: if you lose, the token doesn’t go away. Personally I see this as not the best idea as if you are boosted and the defender isn’t, then you already are at an advantage. Losing that advantage just puts you on even footing. Listing this idea for completion sake.

  • Personalized Ban Lists

You can choose to make your own list of troops to “ban”. These banned troops can not be used by you. You also will never face anyone else using these troops. Idea by Risa. Note from marbles: I’m not sure this is feasible due to server strain or how matchmaking works, but it is an interesting idea!

  • Overall enemy scaling based on VP level

Kind of like how enemies get bigger in other modes. While low on VP everything is capped to level 10 stats, but as you win, the cap gets higher. At the 6500 VP mark, you should be seeing level 20 enemies and a hero your size. By 10k VP the cap is gone so hardcore players can hardcore.

  • Scale enemies down past a threshold

Bosses, Mythicals, and other Endgame stuff should be scaled back in PvP to be more inline with other troops. Nothing else is scaled. This IMHO seems less fair and will probably lead to more “nerf” anxiety, but I saw it pop up so I thought I’d list it. We are collecting mode ideas, not nerf lists, so please don’t argue about this idea or nerfs here. It’s only listed for completion.

  • Nerfs only happen in PvP areas

Related to the scaling idea above. If the problem is in PvP only, might as well make the fix in PvP only! Basically, PvP will work differently than other modes. This will allow troops, classes, weapons and other things to be tweaked to be more fair to players.

  • Make extra turns harder to get in PvP

The weapons/troops/classes aren’t the problem. The fact that combining them allows a player to take tons of free turns and instakill you is the problem. In PvP only make it take either a special ability (ex: Goblins) or 5+ gem matches to get an extra turn. Also, limit the number of free turns from gems that players get before letting the opponent go. Idea from Wolfchadren.

  • Have a mode or a few maps that restrict troops by rarity or overall stat points

Sometimes it’s fun to play in a limited fashion! This option bans anything past a certain threshold of rarity/power. Everyone will be using more common troops and weapons! If it was just a couple of maps or a mode choice, then people could go there to play without fear of being stonewalled by things they don’t have yet.

  • Or have only one or two maps where anything goes

The same as above but inverse. Basically the default is that the especially nasty troops like bosses and Endgame stuff are overall banned except in certain “titan level” maps where the big boys roam. This may seem extreme, but remember that you can always use your big thumpa among the other big thumpas. This way not everyone needs the big thumpa to be able to get to 6500 VP.

More ideas and ways to improve these ideas welcome!

I know the ones there for completion sake aren’t great, so please don’t get into big arguments about them. Constructive posts only, please.


Something I’ve been thinking about for a while… It should be possible to re-evaluate how team scores are calculated. Currently, TS is calculated based on a bunch of behind the scenes metrics and control values. For instance, it uses your character level and guild masteries, neither of which I think really correspond to what your team can actually do. If that simple factor became more balanced, you could, in theory, use that to define an appropriate match, and narrow the options of what fights you get offered, say +/-1500 score. Personally, I think you should define your team before you see any opposition options FOR THAT PARTICULAR TEAM. By necessity, this goes backwards a bit to what they used to have, with players setting a defensive team for the computer to use as an opposition option.

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Casual PvP with randomly generated heroless defenses (like we used to have until a few weeks ago).


The easy fix would be to revert to the 7.3 version of pvp, since the complaints were minimal. I doubt that will happen because that version was “too easy” and didn’t entice any spending.

Anyway, I’m not sure HOW to fix it, but I feel the major problem is blood frenzy zones. So whatever fix is has to apply there.

Maybe change the rotating blood frenzy areas to no hero / random teams (like 7.3 only temporary) but keeping the new jacked up stats. That way they are still harder.


To fix pvp and stop all comments its pretty simple even the points take the heros out leave them in central as before then you would not hear very much at all if i high level gets same points for same fight this is a must iy needs to happen the scoring is still not balenced proplerly yes you get more points now. But so do lower levels so it fixed nothing
The heros should just be in central as before . Personally i give not a care if def teams lose thats no big deal just dont keep tracknof it nomore and all is good you lose nothing with a def loss so maybe it should be changed back so we can have mindless fun again with equal points REALLY IS IT THAT HARD ? . IF IT KEEPS UP LOKE THIS THIS GAME IS DEAD IN 6 MONTHS


It already exists and it’s called explore. Anybody can play this mode to their heart’s content, so there is no need to turn entire PvP content back to that.

The random heroless team concept could brought back - as others have mentioned - under the guise of casual PvP (that shouldn’t have been dropped in the first place) where one would be able to work towards 6500VP goals while simultaneously forfeiting any other rewards.

If you want bracket placements or leaderboard placements or whatever other VP-related stuff they might introduce in the future - play normal PvP.

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The main problem is the “defense is your last attack” change that and we are golden


It would be nice to have a simpler method for selecting a different team. Not sure if this would only be applicable for the Central Spire location.

In a previous iteration of the PvP feature, one could simply click the team name which would display the slots where one can select a different team. Quick and painless.

At the moment I have four unappealing choices:

  1. always use only one team and select a suitable opponent;
  2. occasionally edit my team;
  3. exit the PvP feature, bring up my collection, copy one of the teams, go back into PvP and replace the team; or
  4. activate a text file that contains my team codes, copy one, go back to GoW and replace the team.



Somewhere there needs to be regular easy battles for when you don’t care about anything other than trying to get a pet gnome.


I have no desire to turn your completely fake pvp into explore. I said it was the easiest fix (to the problem of people hating 7.4 pvp.) not my personal pick.

But I would like to point out something, in defense of the folks who really hate 7.4. 7.3 pvp was not the same as explore. There were troop and weapon restrictions in pvp and also 2 class experience per battle. Prior to 7.3, people could use pvp to grind class experience while perhaps hunting for pet gnomes. In 7.3 they could still do that.

Apparently in 7.4 there are folks who can’t even win battles, much less grind / farm anything. Making them use explore, instead, cuts their progression ability in half. I have no problems winning battles in 7.4 and must admit that I’m enjoying not having to put any real time or effort into topping my ladders now (because people aren’t playing). But I would be a liar if I said that any version of the PvP mode felt any more “pvp” than explore or events or delves etc.


A mi tambien me fastidia un poco la nueva version de pvp … pero pregunto, nadie se dio cuenta que la recompensa que da hoy el pvp es genial ? Y la que nos daban antes era basura ? Yo tambien creo que necesita un cambio quizas en los equipos de defensa que siempre son los mismos … pero tambien creo que este pvp es mas justo con el jugador diario. Un cambio seria que no se repita en un equipo 2 tropas iguales o tambien que en kas restricciones se active la clase al reino en cuestion

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Ok don’t know if this has been brought up.

Obviously I don’t have an issue winning in the one colour or central area.

Also no problem in today’s blackhawk. The games take longer but still winnerble.

However. Khaziel and dwarfs on frenzy.
With no troop that hits all enemies and resummons.

Jeez that’s a hard AF kingdom.
A lot harder than any stellarix, Takshaka, wand kingdom.

I’m not asking for changes, can we have a new khaziel dwarf that can do all enemies.

Cheers guys.

But if we get that, someone will lose to it and it will have to be nerfed. :rofl:


:rofl::rofl: ten characters

Also… try this team.

It’s not even almost fast, but it seems to work.


Cheers dude.

Suggestions list in the second post has been updated! Please let me know if I got anything wrong or if anything needs adding to or changing. There’s lots of good ideas here, too many to respond to them all. Just know that no reply doesn’t mean you weren’t heard.

This would help immensely!

I feel that being offered uneven matches that aren’t based on your team’s danger level at all is part of why players are frustrated. And when you change your team, your options should change. In order to prevent people from gaming this for free rerolls, maybe limit team changes to once every 3 minutes or something? Thoughts?

I also agree that things other than guild and hero level should factor in higher. There are maxed out Newbie Guilds where you know nobody has the Big Thumpas and Endgame things. And high level heroes can choose lower point teams because they are fun. People sometimes forget fun is the point of games.

Should some classes have higher point value/weight than others when determining team difficulty? I know some classes are considered to be weaker than others.

I have been hearing this a lot, actually. Almost nobody in my guild wants to do PvP anymore because it’s such an unbalanced pain in the butt. Explore really is not the same thing as PvP. I agree Explore is longer and slower and will add that it doesn’t have the same rewards as PVP in general. Does Explore even have gnomes? And does Glory from anything other than PvP count in daily quests?

I wonder why we can’t just use our saved teams like in the main game. If you go to an area that has limits (color, troop type, ect) it just won’t show teams that aren’t valid. But yes, this would be a great Quality of Life change, even if it doesn’t address the other issues with the mode.

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The dwarf pvp is honestly the best frenzy for me this week, no taka or stella. Even though wand is still a minor problem, using a fire class with stonehammer makes it easy.

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I agree wholeheartedly with this. I wouldn’t care about how hard they made PVP if not for the fact that those gnomes are so freaking rare and then you can just … lose them.