PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

I guess I should add on to my previous post that I do not even have the Gray King. I consider myself mid game since I am still missing a lot of mythics and do not have the length of play many others do that has allowed them to have even higher stats. I still manage just fine when I want to play blood frenzy. If I’m not in the mood I play easier mindless battles. It’s not rocket science. I understand that the tradeoff for easier battles is needing to play more battles to win my league which should be common sense.


So have you never been in a League with someone that makes the Global Leaderboard (totally possible considering the size of PC/M playerbase)? Or do you just concede that week? I ask cuz on Xbox there’s weeks where 400 battles won’t even get me third in my League.


Oddly i have not. I would concede on a week like thaf

I have placed on the global by playing a combination of blood frenzy and not blood frenzy. I take advantage of the different available options and do what I’m in the mood for, difficult and less battles or easy and more battles. Sometimes I enjoy the challenge of going against the boosted blood frenzy teams and sometimes I just want to mindlessly click while I’m watching a movie or something else. I enjoy having options. I enjoy having different difficulty levels available.


Rebuilding teams on a weekly basis per region feels like an unnecessary chore.


Definitely no hard and fast requirements to be counted as an endgamer, but in this context I’m referring to players who:

  1. Have been playing the game long enough that they have at least already crafted at least one Soulforge only Troop like Zuul or Stellarix
  2. Have most of their Classes on Champion level 100
  3. Have a wide selection of weapons to choose from, including Class and Faction Weapons.
  4. Have improved their collection/account enough, learnt enough about team building/strategy to be playing the hardest difficulty content.
  5. Are in or have been in an active Guild.

In other contexts I’ve mentally set the bar lower. like level 1,000+, no crafting only Troops/weapons, not super far into Kingdom power levelling and not necessary to have completed Factions at level 500 etc. These players are in endgame, how much they engage with that content may or may not be relevant dependant on what we’re talking about - but that is less about endgamers in general at that point and more about whether the topic is relevant to casual → core → hardcore players.

This PVP discussion can apply to both new → endgame AND casual → hardcore because PVP is an everyone game mode so we can look at it from a place of, ok but which player sets are we trying to engage here or which are we talking about right now.

Very freshly new, casual players aren’t even in my mind in this discussion. I don’t even think they have these sorts of issues at all, they’re not facing Stellarix and even if they struggle it’s like ,ok but go level up a couple of troops in the Kingdom Quests first right? They’re having a completely different experience to what we’ve all been discussing here.

I think some of the discussion here though has been all about endgamers talking about endgamers and forgetting that probably the majority of the player base is midgame and facing these issues - They’re facing the same storm as the people in this thread but they’re in a different boat entirely, say endgamers have a speed boat so they’re like it’s fine just power up the motor, but those midgamers don’t have a motor, they have one of those blow up life boats :stuck_out_tongue:

I apologise for the terrible analogy that clearly shows I don’t know about boats in storms but I’m not that sorry because I feel like it conveys what I’m trying to say still haha


To me if you have:

Wand of stars
Zuul 2.0
Gray king
2 takshakas

With those troops You have everything you need to crush stellarix on any color day. You dont even need a huge stable of troops.

Please do not nerf stellarix. Especially when its so hard to get. I got him with only 1 dupe but i was very luckg. Stellarix is very fun to use in a lot of non pvp game modes.

:white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark: woohoo I’m an endgamer!!!


And who doesn’t want to put in the work now? You’ve been REALLY, REALLY lucky with your brackets, then, if all you ever had to do was 200 battles to be no. 1.

An example of my own bracket from two weeks ago (17-23 June week, so, BEFORE the Stella/Dia Wand/Orb switch), just before weekly reset:

I admit, this screenshot is kind of extreme, with 3 global top 100 leaderboard players in one bubble - in fact, no. 4 in my bubble in that week was also on the global LB :sweat_smile: . But my personal limit (simply due to time I can dedicated to gemming) is about 50-55k VP points a week, and on 99% weeks this isn’t enough to win a bracket, at most it’s no. 3, all the while places 1-2 have at least double or triple my own weekly score at the end of the week. :woman_shrugging:

Sometimes I have the brainpower and time to push to no. 3 at the end of the week (I’m a lucky European, so I have Monday morning to catch up and push a little more to reach 3rd spot), but more often than not - I can’t dedicate the time.


I think one of the best metrics is your global Stat bonus (“Bonuses” tab without selecting a specific team). Remember:

  • Kingdom bonus requires leveling Kingdoms (Gold and, later, Deeds/Books)
  • Kingdom bonus also involves Power (note that Power 10 and higher is gated off by collecting a Kingdom Mythic from any source)
  • Renown bonus involves grinding Factions to high levels

So “all” you need to do is “just” have these to walk all over the meta PVP teams? Sure, got it. Just give me five years…

Which, again, raises the question why VP is scaled down by Hero Level – a stat which conveys overall playtime independent of actual Troop/Team strength. It is quite literally the more you play the game the higher your Hero Level and the less VP you get, spread across a long period of time but nonetheless permanently.

Making PVP all about attack teams shook up the meta in a huge way, but it’s also large part of what made the Wand of Stellarix meta public knowledge. Players who routinely default to this team for their PVP grinding are, by definition, fueling the dominance of Wand of Stellarix Prismatic Diamantina matchups in PVP mode.

I feel this on a personal level. Developer ADHD is a real thing, and actually quite frustrating to watch secondhand (however fun as it is firsthand).


Agree with this - to get to No 1 on my League Board it has never been less than 1000 battles per week! How people even get a League Board that takes only 200 or 400 for No 1 is inconceivable. To me it now sounds like League Boards are really unfair.


To be honest, they are more fair than I expected them to be by now - I expected the Diamond league bubbles to be a carbon copy of the global LB, and players without global LB ambitions to be pushed down to lower leagues. This has not been the case, but I can’t remember when I was 1st last. If my bubble doesn’t look this bad, I aim for 3rd, and sometimes 2nd. First slot is out of reach 99% of the weeks.

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I think it wouldn’t really matter whether we use team power OR hero level, IF we got fair left-middle-right scores, fixed - like: 25-left, 55-middle, 90-right, then it wouldn’t matter which metric we’re using. BUT if we switch from hero level to team power, while keeping the same “reductions” to VP per battle as we have now, we’d have the same problem, just more people would suffer reduced scores - I assume there are more active players with near-max team power than there are players with hero level 2500+.

I agree that the main culprit here is the forced use of attack teams as defense teams; and also, the fact that the protection against 3 identical teams is just not working well enough - the game seems to treat a different order of troops as different teams - which is BY FAR not enough of a difference to make a difference for game play. Stellarix & Wand & Elementalist were in the game before the PvP changes - and while they were present in PvP, they didn’t dominate it (in the choice of enemies for the player to fight) the way they have been doing it ever since the switch to this new system.


When are the release notes for GoW 8.0 expected? The immortal troops that are to be released, I’m really curious how to get them

No need to nerf these cards at all. PvP isn’t the only game mode. There are lots of us who rarely play. Me and my guild focus on raid boss, invasion, tower of doom etc.

It reminds me of a racing game I played. It had a DLC car that was decent but by no means unbeatable. The people who didn’t have it moaned they were unable to win races because of it so it was nerfed. Everyone stopped using it. But guess what. The people who were winning in the DLC car carried on winning in the other cars and the moaners kept losing.

Just be done with it and nerf the whole game… we don’t want to upset these ‘everyone’s a winner’ type noobs by creating anything too challenging for them


Stop using word ‘challeging’. By Protecting Stella you confirm you don’t know what does it mean.

People still calling for a nerf to stellarix when its been removed from pvp defenses is nuts to me. It literally has zero effect on them. I think its good for a permanent solution to stellarix. It doesn’t upset the tender souls who dont want to lose a single match. And Im going to limit myself to 50 battles a day to not lose my mind. (Im 50-1 today lol. The one loss is a triple takshaka team). Stellarix is heckin fun to use in other areas of the game

Devs. Please do not nerf a troop thats that hard to get due to the complaints of a few people.


Sylwani, it is because they havent gotten the troop themselves. Only reason I see, as Stella is out of PvP.


As someone who got ridiculously lucky and got stellarix with 1 dupe i agree and feel their pain. The dragon egg dupe needs to be fixed months ago. I hope everyone gets to have fun with stellarix before a few people get him nerfed

Very eltist of me huh?


I doubt Stellarix will get a nerf, but you never know. But the troop just got a buff a half year ago, so it could be worthy to try getting and also so it is a stronger troop than Diamantina.

If there is nothing more special to this troop than Diamantina people may not even care trying to get Stellarix.

Also must not forget those that spent 30-40 eggs and just got the troop. That is a lot of resources, then see it got nerfed, it is not humane to go through.