PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

@Kafka I think this is a good interim solution. As you plan for a permanent solution, please keep in mind that the people who have stellarix and wand of stars worked very hard for them, are very loyal users, and would be VERY upset to see them nerfed.

Also is the title of this thread supposed to say June instead of July?


Id uninstall the day they were nerfed.

This is also not a good solution. I want something to reward me for being able to beat these hard teams consistently and not have to do a ton more battles because training wheels got put on the game and far more people suddenly want to do blood frenzy

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They need to create a casual pvp mode where people can experiment with troops and weapons, level up classes faster and get easier pet rescues without any stress. You could still get VP in this mode, but at a reduced rate (maybe 50%) to encourage players to try harder battles once they acquire and learn about more powerful troops.


I hate to say it but some form of nerf seems inevitable. Wand of Stars loops near as hard as pre-nerf Pathfinders (but with the added bonus of Elementalist’s 3rd trait) and choosing the Bless option shuts down the only means of breaking the loop.

Maybe they could remove the base Mana gain from Elemental/Umbral stars?

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Thing is it does not loop consistently on the player team, just the ai team. Even worse when choosing curse option. Sort of like Queen Bee. Another thing that can go for miles on an enemy team and just sort of not on a player team. heh

Here’s my dream for fixing this mess without nerfing anything:

Enforce troop type restrictions on classes. Also enforce troop type restrictions on weapons via the link between classes and kingdoms.

Add a new layer to the color restriction zones for hero class and weapon. Use the link between banners, kingdoms and classes.

Example… Elementalist class can be used for battles restricted to Kingdom Nexus, restricted to troop type elementalist and in zones restricted to colors brown and blue (nexus colors.)

Wand can be used in the same since it is tied to Nexus. Although, to really fix the issue, moving the WoS to another kingdom would be better. Even leaving it in Nexus would limit it’s use.

There could be similar tweaks for troops but they are likely not needed and let’s not trust too much change to the dev team. haha

I still seriously want to ask why blood frenzy exists if it’s not supposed to be something you can lose, though. I really did think it was supposed to equalize the BS situation with high level people having to fight twice as many battles. If that isn’t the case, why not just get rid of blood frenzy and then there is no more one-shot problem?


Exactly. I think im good this week because i got a jump start before the change. But im betting im going to wake up next week to find myself way behind because all the people who were scared of stellarix will suddenly be playing blood frenzy

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This is what I usually see in PvP
I thought blood frenzy regions were brought in so higher level players could get more than 70VP in a fight. Not so lower levels could easily score 300VP


whats your level that lvl2327 is 500 lower than you?
Also yeah, daily reminder to devs starting from lvl1700 there are literally no power difference between players.


50VP is for any level below you… Level doesn’t matter anywhere near as much as power when it comes to battle though. Someone who is 14xx who has been playing a bit weekly for 5 years and has most troops and high kingdom level is just as tough to beat as anyone

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Yes but apparently the higher level players can’t be bothered to play harder battles. They just want wins with 0 effort and for all the rewards to just be handed to them. There really is no explanation since blood frenzy is supposed to be difficult and there have been plenty of counter teams already posted. The hard region actually takes thought so they just want to nerf everything. People can claim otherwise but it’s exactly what the devs are going to do and everyone should realize that and either play the counter teams or play somewhere other than purposefully difficult blood frenzy.

If they do nerf anything I will simply uninstall because it will make the other 90% of the game more annoying.

Another nerf is a no-go. But also winning 3-trophy-battles in Blood Frenzy for less than 100 VP, while lower levels get 300 VP for every 1-trophy-battle in a 3rd of the time should be reviewed again as well as it’s driving people away from PvP …


People seem pretty naive and short sighted with all of these complaints when they have a solution they just can’t be bothered to do by playing outside blood frenzy.

The devs are obviously extremely invested in convincing people to play pvp. Journey was sacrificed all for pvp. These people calling for “changes” seem to forget that the easiest way for the devs to deal with the problems is to simply nerf and move on.

I of course think the devs are wildly overestimating interest in pvp to begin with and just because they put all this work into updating it that doesn’t mean it’s a game mode the majority of the player base wants to participate in or has the time for which is a good thing for those of us going after books but not for the numbers

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Hard battles?
I get offered 3 battles that are basically the same VP.
Probably going to take the left one that I can 1-shot…

If there is a problem with ‘newer’ players being 1-shot by stella, it is because they are being offered battles they should not be expected to win.
They will probably also get 1-shot by diamantina. Or Phoenicia. Or Euryali…
You can’t expect in PvP that a player with a shiny new epic Rowanne will take down Soto.
The battles need to be set around the same power. And by someone who understands the game mechanics.


It’s not even new players complaining. It’s seasoned players that want blood frenzy battles to be easy. Kafka did mention new players not playing enough pvp but I seriously doubt that has anything to do with Stella because they would rarely encounter it. Man, I remember how long everything took when I was a low level. Easy battles still took forever just because of low stats. An easy delve could take up all of my morning game time. Brand new people just don’t have the time with everything else going on in the game that has to be done every single day. PVP is something you do when all the other stuff is completed but getting there is a struggle for lower level accounts. And why would most low level accounts care about books? They have an enormous uphill battle of gathering other resources before that comes up

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“Harder” battles only means I have to cast Stella 2 times instead of 1. Wow much hard. Such challenge. Given its self-charge.
But in case if enemy starts looping instead, I get decimated instead with no chance to react. Such a challenge. Much hard to NOT give up a single turn. Whole game based on this rule, right?

Oh actually is not right. It only started recently with adding Stella. Wand. Takshaka.

I trade 3 those for goblin teams plague anytime.

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I would happily play an Elementalist, Wand, Stella, Tak team over a looping goblin team every single time. At least if I manage to not get wand or stella before they go off it’s a fast loss.

This will 100% be the result, how can it not be?

Without blood frenzy, players over 1500 had to do almost twice as many pvp battles as players under 1500 to get similar VP. Blood frenzy mitigated this quite a bit by giving people with better collections and more team building experience an easier road to double vp than those lower leveled people. The lower leveled people could still succeed in BF battles, it was just at a lower win rate. End result was sort of equalizing the number of battles needed for the same VP.

By making BF effectively unlosable, no matter what your collection looks like, no matter where your team building skill is at, it will double the original leaderboards problem. So why even have blood frenzy at all? Get rid of BF and this entire one-shot problem vaporizes without a single nerf needed!


Yup. And its not even the level problem that i see as the main issue. I think the majority of players upset about stellarix and wand were players that could make the counters.

They just didnt want to fight tough teams. No this isnt “wanting a challenge” for me. This is me wanting to fight less pvp battles for the reward.

Kafka. People dont like pvp. If the gold marks werent attached to it i wouldnt play. I dont get any enjoyment out of it. Its a chore. A chore i will have to do more of because you catered to people complaining. Again.

I get theres a group that wants guild wars back but other than that you are wasting your effort. We want new content. New game modes. Updated classes that are completely useless right now. Not more pvp. Stop focusing on pvp.

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lmao even more game modes?
Make card pool being useful rather than 5 cards all day long first. Then you can think of modes.

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I’m down for making old cards useful. By buffs. Make the multitude of useless mythics useful. Classes too. So many 3rd traits are stupidly outdated. This is what happens with power creep. Old stuff gets left behind as more and more powerful troops get released

No one should be down for nerfs of hard to get troops unless you want a mass exodus. Im a 4 year player and if they nerf stellarix i will quit immediately because that will be proof positive that they do not care about veteran players