PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

lol @ exodus. Yeah they removed my favourite card, its time to forget about this game as other 2k cards are nothing compared to that. And the next sentence you speak about power creeping seeing no issue with that.

Stella is an already result of powercreeping, as well as her sisters Wand and Taks. Game needs nerfs, not buffs.


Lol “stellarix is gone from pvp but i still want it nerfed!! Not just that! Nerf all the most powerful troops! Game needs nerfs not buffs.” Thats basically what you said. Yeah im not debating you anymore.

Moving on to something helpful. For anyone still struggling with blood frenzy, dont forget chaos storm. I did. I was actually losing to some diamantina teams with my stellarix due to its starting doomstorm. Chaos storm overrides it quick


You must be quite bad at peekaboo because once a person close his face you unable to see it.
And I can definitely see Stella still being OP despite we got rid of it from PVP for god sake.

Basically, first weeks of PVE when there were no heroes in PVP everyone was happy. Because there were no Elementalist. Then they’ve fixed it back and guess what started?

Removing staff is a first aid, nerfing is the solution. Crying about being unable to press 2 keys to win each 10 seconds is another topic.

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No, most people complain because you can be playing with the right counters in non frenzy and still regularly lose because of nonsense moves by the AI without any chance tor react.

Many fights go like this:

Player turn 1: Player takes normal 3-match mana because nothing else is viable.
AI turn 1: Either your mana taking produced a extraturn-match from outside the board for the AI to take or the AI takes a match (that no player would ever take) and gets mana/skull matches and extraturns from outside the board. Result: Instafill for at least Wand + shield for Wand + extraturn.
→ Your team is done for since Wand now fills all of the AI team and at least half your team is killed before you get an other turn. Doesn’t matter the composition of the enemy team.

Even if there is no extraturn for the AI and the player gets a second turn, the player would have 2 or more teammembers with negative status effects. Depending on if you filled someone in your first turn, the player can either heal your status effects (Wand with no extraturn) or try to attack (no extraturn because of status effects). Nevertheless the AI gets its second turn and the player is finally done for.

Within this it doesn’t matter what the players team lineup contains, it will happen just the same. Deciding within two turns which side wins is no challange that so many argue for here. If I want to have a real challenge I would go back to Guild Wars where fights could come down to the last standing troop on both sides and you have to think what to do each turn.

Why is everyone so fixated on Stella and Blood Frenzy. The whole problem still exists heavily in fights without both of them. The main problem is the combination of AI-mechanics and PVPmode-mechanics. Blood Frenzy just makes them easier to spot.

Just take this weeks gold mark bonus in the Aidana node. All there was to fight were fights against Nina and Tesla teams that just behaved the same (like described above) without Stella and Wand. Especially if you have power selections like this regularly:

You have to lose 2-3 times before you finally get offered a lower team on the left side. But if you win that lower match, it is back to three high matches.

TLDR: The AI and PVP gamemode mechanics need an overhaul much more than the troops need balancing, even though some balancing and less releasing of stillborn troops would be good.


I had a 90% win rate on blood frenzy before rhe change. With hundreds of battles every week. Thats not being elite thats using the counters. I dont agree that it was hard for people that had the counters. They just needed to use them

But i 100% agree that ai gets buffed rng. They’ll never admit that

Further evidence that they don’t understand their own game.


Exactly. Their pvp changes seem entirely reactionary. They listen to the loudest people apparently.

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If Stellarix was permanently banned from all pvp and GW, what possible difference would that make to your gameplay? Or are you just wanting to stomp around telling other people how they should enjoy their game play time?

I don’t have that troop. At the rate I draw duplicate cosmic dragons, I probably never will. It does not affect me one wit that a lot of other people have it. It DID allow me a lot of fast easy wins against the unimaginative stella teams, in pvp, before it was removed. But everywhere else? No impact on my life.

So how is it ruining yours?


Exactly. I have stellarix and i didnt even use him in pvp because hes bad vs blood frenzy stellarix.

I activelly hunted 90 vp stellarix teams before the change because the counters were very good to the tune of a 90% win rate. And they were fast wins to. 30 seconds. A minute was a long fight to me. And in my 10% losses? Super fast as well.

Now i just toss my stellarix in a pvp team and stomp everything in 2 turns. I should be happy right? Nope. Because next week everyone else will be doing the same thing and its going to make it a pain to get 1st in a bracket

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“Single player games need no balance. Player must be invulnerable so we can enjoy clicking the screen endlessly grinding dophamine.”

That’s what you say when you bring up that point.

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The first part of that makes me feel you have been secretly recording my matches because that is pretty word for word how things go against Wand even in non Frenzy Zones. The thing is you can take more damage and have a chance of getting your turn back in non frenzy. I dont want any nerfs BTW but there has to be a better way

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My stellarix just lost to diamantina! It 2 shot me! Remove it from pvp! It couldnt possibly be bad rng and my wand screwing me twice in the same match.

See how silly this is? If anything what this change does show how uneven the the rng is. Almost all my losses now are because my wand helped THEM

“I want to force other people to enjoy only what I enjoy!” is what you say when you bring up that point. :roll_eyes:

I don’t share your need to tell people that they can’t like what they like. If people want to cheat at solitaire, it’s none of my concern. If they enjoy clicking the screen endlessly grinding in Gow? It’s not my place to tell them what they should enjoy, instead.

PvP and GW? Those are different, because player choices impact other players. The rest of the game? If people use the same team for everything and do nothing but cast one troop over and over, I do not care. I would die of boredom, but understand that many people play these kinds of games to zone out. To each their own.


#2 came out of nowhere. Barely lost any battles since change. Im lucky i got a head start. But i would not be surprised to have to be doing battles tomorrow to keep my spot at the top. All because you made blood frenzy easy

You done goofed devs.

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Yes, and everyone know For a Fact™ that when you play Pokemon games, pressing the B button in time with the Poke Ball increases your catch rate.
I would still enjoy seeing some ACTUAL data collection and analysis on these claims. Because if there’s a bias in favor of the cpu then the data should bear that out, right?


I dont have the time or want to collect that but im pretty sure that if you kept track of the number of first cast failures by player wands it would be up there. Though you cant really test it because if your wand fails theirs is more likely to succeed because of the gems you wand placed

You know there are always a guy(s) who decide to force other people to enjoy only what he thinks he/them/those enjoy? And it’s called game designer. Yeah, that’s right. Right now you’re playing somewhat they thought would be cool. Judging by their last actions they finally noticed that’s not cool. So just wait until nerf hammer comes to make this game somewhat balanced. Don’t bother thinking it’s me who balancing this game. This wouldn’t happened with me.

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You know there are always people who decide a game designer has lost the thread and move on to other games.

You know there are always games that go belly up because of bad design decisions.

You know there are always people who speak up when they feel developers are about to drive a game they love, off into a ditch, because they don’t want to see their game end.

And apparently there are always people that won’t be happy until everyone is miserable.

I’m done trying to explain to you that people are not just going to stick around and not have fun just because you think they should be having fun. This game is way too old to keep :poop:ing on veteran players.



I suggest you to read thoroughly the statement made by devs in the very 1st post of this thread which states “This is temporal solution before we take actions regarding the issue”. Translation: we know this thing is broken and there will be nerfs to make it right.

Decision has already been made, will or won’t they listen to make you miserable in particular, apparently.

The problem in such situations is unfortunately that most developers clam up and continue their way while having blinders on. Doesn’t matter if it is constructive feedback or just backlash and how big the criticism gets.

You should have seen the forum within the first year of New World. No reaction or posts from any developer. Ignoring all the problems with mechanics and bugs. They even put a public test server up and ignored every piece from all the constructive proposals given in the PTS-forum and just released the updates like they came on to the PTS.

They made the game worse each month, drove away 90% of the playerbase and in the end just deleted the whole forum, so that they could ignore the players easier.

The last one to two years of GoW started to feel really similar to what I felt there and the disappointment about that feels even deeper when you played a game for 8 years instead of one.