PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

What has been nerfed? No troops, classes or weapons have been nerfed? Only the Wand and Stellarix are substituted in enemy teams in PVP, no nerfing.

Emphasis added. Maybe you think the changes will be buffs and not nerfs?

Edit: I have to add, that I would not be opposed to just keeping the substitutions as a solution. It would make my pvp experience worse (back to having to do twice the battles as newbies), but its a small price to pay for me to be able to continue enjoying the rest of the game.


That was my idea of the change…permanent removal or substitution from PVP enemy teams. No one wants them nerfed. Especially not after spending so much on Stellarix.

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But knowing how they usually do things …

When the same situation with a temporary swapping solution happen back then with Dawnbringer and Arena, the final result was a rework of Arena which deleted the hero from the gamemode.

The solution to me is simple. Add a hard mode that includes those troops with more rewards. Keep the substitution in in the other mode.

Thats merit. It encourages people that arent able to beat it to get better and it rewards the people that want to put in the work to beat the hard troops. Very common sense.

But I know the people that were wanting this change would have a problem with that too because they want the best rewards


The hard mode already exists - Blood Frenzy. And it is still hard, even with the substitution.

You think color day blood frenzy is hard now. Seriously??? I just smash every team in 2 turns with my stellarix. Wheras before i couldnt use my stellarix cause it wasnt a good matchup.

Its not hard now

Im saying keep the substitutions and add a hard mode TO blood frenzy with more rewards.

I want a simple answer. Would you be ok with that? Yes or no

Seriously? I think you need Guild Wars. And no I do not want any harder modes in PVP, Blood Frenzy is already there.

I dont want more pvp. I hate guild wars. It drove my guild crazy with how much i hated guild wars. I dont want a “challenge.” I want the best rewards. Ive put in the work to figure out counters to stellarix. That rewarded me with more rewards because others in my bracket didnt want to deal with losing some fights. Now that that gate is gone, its opened the door to a lot more players to challenge me. Not because they got better. But because the game was changed exclusively to cater to them

So you are not ok with a hard mode in blood frenzy that includes stellarix and wand? One that gives more rewards? You still have the regular blood frenzy.

If you arent ok with that then that just confirms my theory that the people that like this change want the best rewards for less work. If you didnt youd be perfectly ok with a harder mode that gave more rewards.


I would be fine with it if they can provide a few different team slots so I can swap teams fast. Manually changing teams takes too long. So at the moment I play with one fits all, which means choosing easier battles. Speed counts in PVP. Changeable team slots like in old PVP and a Hard Mode will be fine.


100% agree and glad you see it that way.

I also think people are misunderstanding me. I dont enjoy a challenge in pvp. I wish it was still random. BUT. The easier it is the more accessible it is to everyone. That sounds great on paper…but thats going to mean a ton more battles for me because that difficulty gate isnt there.

I dont want to fight much more than 200-300 battles of pvp in a week. A guild mate of mine has seen their bracket go beserk with vp since the change.

Maybe thats their goal. Remove the difficulty gate to increase the time everyone plays


cough bring back casual pvp that was accessible to all cough


As long as they dont get the same level of rewards

Have you ever played a casual PvP battle i? If yes, you’d know that there were differences between ranked and casual. Nobody asks for identical rewards as for current “ranked”, because we know casual was different and it didn’t bring the same rewards.

In the old PvP, we had ranked (with points counting towards rewards from the leaderboards) and casual (no points awarded). Both granted glory wings (a little less per battle in casual than in ranked) and pet gnomes; gold yield was higher in ranked than in casual. However, even right-hand PvP in casual was challenging - due to the very same problem & complaints we are facing at the moment: RNG being much more favourable to the AI than to the player, lucky looping, lucky endless skull cascades.


Some great feedback in above posts for devs to chew on. My half-pence’s worth:

If the PvP change helps retain newer players I support it.

Yes, changes still need to be made to Journey, Or cull the event, it’s such a dreadful slog in its present form.

Yes, we need GW back sooner than later to retain experienced players.


I never played casual but yes i know about it. Id be fine with that. But the reason we are having this debate is people want access to the best vp but dont want to have to put in the work for it.

At least thats my take on it.

The guild wars needs to be massively changed, rewards increased drastically as well. The last guild wars was only there for players that want that competitive challenge. The rewards were nothing unless you were top tier

That’s one of my main complaints about GW: rewards are :poop: , if you’re not winning the total global ranking in bracket 1. Which makes it horribly unfair to about 99% of the playerbase that bothers playing.

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My guild had a few players (long-time, senior players, at 1800+ level each) quit BECAUSE casual PvP was taken away. They couldn’t care less about VP rewards / leaderboard rewards. Their “zen” area was taken away.


Thats totally fine by me then. The only thing i care about in pvp is the rewards. Now i feel like im going to have to fight a lot more battles because the devs cant figure out they have different kinds of players