PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

Not true at all. You need to play more easy battles than hard battles which makes complete sense but you can still win your league.

All the people complaining seem to only want the rewards without actually bothering to play. In that case just buy them because there are multiple style of play options without taking away the difficult mode for those that enjoy it. BTW I do NOT enjoy it and don’t even play blood frenzy regions but I use common sense and play the battles that are easier when I just want something mindless.


I have been playing PVP for a long time - the old PVP too. And battles were never that crazy hard. The loss rate was not that high. So don’t see why you should demand crazy high battles now?

So you do not enjoy the hard battles either but you are speaking on behalf of “some players?” Like I said - I don’t know ANY players that want the crazy hard battles.

The entire point of blood frenzy is for the battles to be difficult. It’s advertised right there with increased opponent skills. What is difficult to understand about that part? If you don’t want them to be that hard play any of the other regions and select the medium or lower tier battles if that’s what you need.

Making the specifically difficult completely optional part of pvp easy is unfair to the players that enjoy it and like I said before I don’t play blood frenzy but I do care that people have options to play however makes them happy! That’s how you retain a diverse player base.

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The problem with the fix is it doesn’t keep the balance of points. Lower level players already get more higher scoring battles on average. Now these gave been made easier so the bf which was supposedly to help higher level players scored point is now negated to some extent.


The PVP playerbase we had before never had crazy hard battles. It seems you are a new player and joined this forum Nov 2023 and never did PVP in the old system, so would have no idea what the playerbase liked or what PVP was like…

To retain a Diverse Playerbase I would first of all suggest upgrading some other modes:

  1. Bring Guild Wars back - and entire Top Guild (Anonymous) disappeared because of its absence.
  2. Upgrade Arena - there are lots of players including me who like the mode - make an Arena Leaderboard, make a proper event with proper rewards, add more troops in.
  3. I hear some players want Treasure Hunt to be upgraded also - not sure what they want but it has been mentioned.
  4. Upgrade Legendary Tasks for those that like to grind gold in Explores. LTs only give traitstones and keys, and a few legendary troops…

And there - a diverse playerbase is catered for.


To fix that problem they just need to stop punishing high level players by giving them low VP battles and offer them higher VP battles the same as everyone else gets. Something they have been asking for eversince this new PVP started…


You are aware that my point is not to nerf troops based on one mode. A point I have been making since the beginning.




But that is exactly the problem. When I’m playing something I want to win and not get into the fight knowing, that I have to loose some battles for every win because thats inevitable.

You can put in hours of creating teams but in the end it does amount to nothing. It doesn’t matter if you choose the lowest 15k strength team or the top 20k+ team. If the AI decides that you loose that match you will loose it. And you loose it not because you made a mistake, as it would be normal, but because the AI has a guaranteed win.

And to those that argue with their place in the leaderboards:

The main incentives for most people to play the new PVP are not the leaderboards and ladders but Dragonite, Books and Pet Gnomes. If those three were not in PVP, >80% of the players would stop playing this mode at all. And getting Pet Gnomes in Guild Wars style fights is abmysal. I even started playing Arena on Gnome weekends because it is the more productive mode for Pet Gnomes (and you know how much fun Arena is) and you get them only in those two modes.

Most people are also not interested in the leaderboards because they know from the start, that they will not get anything from them. I would have to play 24/7, which I don’t because I have a life outside the game, to have a chance at them. Same for the ladders. Since joining the diamant league I never got into the top three. The few times where I tried and had a top three place as I went to bed on sunday evening, I still got pushed out.

So I stopped trying for the boards and instead now stop at 6500 because I know I can invest the rest of my available time better elsewhere and not wasting it on an extremely frustrating mode with no rewards for it. And that is still a hassle where I often want to throw my pc out of the window because of the crap that is happening regularly.


Really though? You can’t accept the possibility of Maybe losing 10% of battles? If you are being serious and it really does take you “hours” to put a team together than maybe pvp isn’t for you at all. I don’t even mean that in a rude way but hours on teams is completely unnecessary or an enormous exaggeration. And as I’ve said many times already if a region or blood frenzy is too difficult then just play another one, there are a lot of options for everyone.

As far as your comment about the AI, while I certainly agree it has an advantage no matter what the devs say, making a bad move and losing is you know what happens when you make a bad move in a game. What do you expect? If your loss rate is really so horribly bad that you can’t handle it then play the easier battles. No one is forcing anyone to play the difficult battles. Stop acting like there are no choices besides blood frenzy.


There’s a really simple fix for Journey to make it reasonably playable again for everybody. Bump the magic boost the Pathfinder receives within the event from x2 to x10, that way the overall damage output will be roughly on par with the other events. If you need the math behind this to even consider passing it on, please ask.


If that is your ratio then your lucky. Just looking at my ladder most players have at least a 30% rate. An just a reminder: the next PVP update is said to have VP reduction from losses, so their impact will be more important then just the player stat itself.

I just remember my time when Guild Wars started and you really invested some time and testing into building those teams. So I asumed that other players without the GW experience will do that now. I have GW teams that would easily win me my GW fights all the time and they get crushed now often before they can do anything at all.

What easier battles when all three selections are all the same in terms of stats. Selections like this:

I’m not talking about making a bad move. I’m talking about losing without having a chance to make a move.

So you say that I should just forgo half of the gold mark rewards, which are the only reason to play PVP at all, by avoiding those bonus regions and hoping on the most minimal chance of getting something from your ladder while fighting battles that only give 30 VPs each? That’s an even worse punishment and timeloss than losing those matches and at least get some marks.


To be honest I do not think that person you are replying to even really plays PVP himself at all. He has no idea what he is talking about. In fact sounds to me like becauseican646 works for the game or he just posts to provoke people.

I win my league consistently and have even placed on the leaderboard multiple times. How silly to think someone doesn’t play at all simply because they use common sense and recognize that there are multiple difficulty options and wanting the hard mode to be easy simply because you can’t be bothered to actually play the difficult troops in the difficult setting that you selected is completely absurd.

I can sort of relate to this. As a new player and right on through the years until they changed it, I was one of the “there have always been players” who loved the Arena. People would tell me all the time that I should not like the mode, but I loved it.

They changed it and I was expected to just be ok with it no longer being the same mode that I loved. I remember being very annoyed with the people who liked the changes, so I get it. You want your favorite mode to work the same as it has always worked but keep the nice new rewards. Totally fair.

Those of us who were not super enamored with old pvp will not be thrilled, but I can live with that. What is maddening is the idea of nerfing our troops, weapons and classes so that pvp can work like it used to work. FFS, just revert pvp back to what it was and leave our stuff alone.

I guess my question is how is it unfair to change your experience and enjoyment of pvp (due to the rework) but totally fair to change MY experience and enjoyment of the entire rest of the game by nerfing my weapons and classes?


Ill chime in here. Its not luck to lose 10% of your battles if you use the counters that were talked about. Thats right around what i lose every week with blood frenzy.

Btw. Vp reduction for losses. All i can say devs is thats your worst idea ever.

Don’t do it


Yep. This is a problem with the one-sided rng. I can go 5 casts before my wand gets an extra turn, but sure, nerf it. That will solve everything! :rage: Meanwhile, the AI gets an extra turn off wand pretty much 98% of the time.

The same thing happens with stuff like queen B.


THE GAME CHEATS!!! THIS IS THE REASON SO MANY GOOD, PAYING PLATERS HAVE QUIT!!! I was taking a break, because my adopted mom had 2 heart surgeries. Here I WAS considering starting to play again now that my mom has recovered from heart surgery. WHY WOULD I REINSTALL A GAME THAT CHEATS ME OUT OF THE HARD WORK AND MONEY I SPENT, AND WAS PLANNING TO SPEND AGAIN? Why would I reinstall a game that is going to IGNORE the hard work I put in to get 2 Stellarix, let alone the $$ I spent to get Gems to buy dragonite to get the 2nd Stellarix. You’re going to replace the Stellarix I spent time and money to get and replace it with Diamondtina which I only ever made one of. You’re also going to replace my Wand of Stars, again something I worked to get with a weapon that everyone recieves FREE in game from just leveling up kingdoms. You are being UNFAIR to your player base that spends $$ in the game and supports your company and pays your salaries, because a few people who don’t want to spend $$ or do the work to get the resources are complaining about a system they probably don’t even use, such as pvp also known as PLAYER VS PLAYER. If someone makes a team that works as an offensive as well as defensive team then the team they made to represent their character should stand. You have no right to change a team your customers made. If people choose not to play a team (in pvp they get 3 choices per battle) thats their choice not to go up against a team they feel that they can not win against, HOWEVER, the game and the developers have no right to change a team I made that represents MY CHARACTER AND MY HARD WORK!!!
Games where the developers keep changing the rules AND have the AI CHEAT PLAYERS OUT OF THE WORK THEY HAVE DONE LOSE THE PLAYER BASE.