PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

I understand that it’s difficult for a small team to put out multiple fires at once, but when one fire has been burning for 2 years and could be fixed with the existing dupe protection code, it’s disappointing to hear that no one will touch this. Thanks for the update on it, though.


You seem to only care about the experience of rookies, and always ignore feedback from loyal players. The senital in underspire and Dragon Egg have encountered the same problem, and many players have also reported it.But never received any response.


Perhaps you missed it. A guild mate had someone get 25000 vp today

If someone has the time they can catch me and theres no difficulty gate

Another option that would work:

have a selector like the one for multi-sigil battles and a player can choose either normal battle for normal rewards or nerfed battle for nerfed rewards (10% of the normal VP sounds like a fair trade).

Someone out there mentioned something about impossibility of having your cake and eating it. Total nonsense! It is clear to see that certain portion is having it and eating it as we speak. Feel free to guess which portion of players is that.

Exactly! Put stellarix and wand in a hard mode, and give double the blood frenzy vp.

But you know people would complain there too because they want the biggest piece of the pie


Chess wouldn’t be a standard-bearer for strategic depth if the majority of games ended by checkmate in just 2-3 turns.

I haven’t fought many Wand teams myself (being quite PVP-averse) but I’ve definitely seen similar “one-shots” by less meta teams, like the Cedric Skeleton Key Greed Egg Thief setup. It is ALWAYS frustrating to deduce that the battle is lost by turn 2 just because of some RNG in the cpu’s favor, whether it’s a lucky Mana Surge Extra Turn into a major spellcast or just Death Mark taking out the keystone of your team.

Heck, even pre-nerf-Chalcedony + Xenith in random Explore runs was ultimately just a race to see who can land a kill the fastest.

You are aware this is an impossible ask? Outside of mechanics that were designed exclusively for the PVP mode, the only remaining differences between PVP and non-PVP are: (1) the difference in level/stats between player and cpu (e.g: a player with a good Magic bonus can spamcast Firebird without suffering the cpu’s level/stat drop), and (2) it’s the ONLY mode where you get to see an enemy Hero on the team.

I don’t understand why you and the devs are so obsessed with pvp and seem to think it’s something newer players that can’t counter teams and weapons actually want to play but don’t because it’s “difficult” and no fun because they can’t possibly compete.

Newer players that don’t have the ability to counter these things have much more important things to do with their time. The assumption here seems to be if pvp is easier that they will play more pvp because everyone wants to play pvp. I guess you guys forgot what it’s like to be a new player. Traitstones need to be farmed. Delves need to be leveled. Events need to be completed. Gold and souls need to be farmed. When you don’t have the troops to counter pvp teams you also don’t have the troops to do those things efficiently. They all take SO MUCH time. It is an incredible time sink just to do the basics every single day when you are a lower level with missing troops. And believe it or not most people do not have 5+ hours a day to play gems.
You seem to think players are quitting the game because of pvp but I guarantee you they are not being scared off by Stellarix, Wand and Elementalist but they are getting overwhelmed by the time requirement needed to just play on a daily basis and catch up on power/kingdom levels and the enormous amount of resources.
The majority of people taking pvp seriously are doing it for the opportunity to earn books. Do you think people that are still farming traitstones and that can’t put together counter teams are really worried about books? They are not. It’s simple, you may want everyone to play pvp but it’s a game mode for people that are much farther along in the game and that have the time to compete for resources that others do not need. Anyone experiencing one shot losses at a greater than 10% loss rate has much more important things to do with their game time than playing pvp.
I understand that the devs really Really want people to play pvp since so much work has been put into it but I think more realistic expectations need to be made about who is actually interested in the first place. Vault can only do so much for new players, pvp is a waste of time. Many end game players recognize that while books are important they don’t actually want to spend years winning every single week to level kingdoms and don’t care about it.


THIS. This is why I’ve been losing so much. All you need to do is give up a turn because the board doesn’t give you a match-4 (or your own Wand backfires and doesn’t produce any kind of a match on the board) and it’s game over, because chances are that AI won’t give up its turn, ever, and will loop you to death, even if they have no real damage dealers left on their team. It happens more often than you think - 99% of my losses look like this!

You say this as if there are no other combos that are just as annoying and one-shotting us (okay, two-shotting here) - Takshakas + Wand is just as annoying as Stellarix+Wand was. And switching out Wand for Prismatic Orb doesn’t change the fact that Takshakas are self-looping very nicely, again, much more nicely on the enemy’s side than on the player’s side, and killing the player’s team in two big chomps (in frenzy, outside frenzy a player has some sort of a chance, depending on player’s stats). If the first chomp eats your main damage dealers, it is practically game over.

This. Exactly this. Give us casual back, in some shape or form - and you will see a sharp reduction in the complaints. People who can’t - or don’t want to - fight for the top of the leaderboards (be it their 30-people bubble or global LB) - will have a place to go to without getting frustrated to the extreme.


Real newbies likely don’t even have time for pvp. :joy: But yes, its people who are between the later end of early game and early part of mid game who can struggle with having to (omg!) lose more battles in a blood frenzy than a later game person will lose. This is more due to their stats than their collection because there are plenty of web and silence troops that are neither mythic nor legendary. I have to ask why blood frenzy exists if it is not supposed to be hard. Some of us were under the impression it was meant to balance out the fact that lower level people get better base VP choices in regular areas. If it’s supposed to be easy peasy for everyone, what’s the point?

Why is pvp (that isn’t even really pvp :woman_facepalming:) a core game mode? We can’t even set our defender team anymore. Good grief. Most people I know (and granted, I don’t know everyone lol) would cheerfully never do pvp if they didn’t need the rewards.

Old pvp was just mindless grinding, mainly for pets and class exp. New pvp is more challenging. The loss rate in my ladders consistently averaged 13% before the citadel stuff. Didn’t track after those were introduced.

If the goal is to tweak pvp back into a mindless grind (no losing), only with better rewards, ok. Just don’t ruin the tools we need for the fun parts of the game. I don’t have Stella. Since the team is dragging their feet on the dragon fixes, I probably won’t have it for a long time. Likely just in time for a mass exodus of players, ticked off that you finally fixed that, the day after they finally stopped pulling dupes. heh

The same can be said for the people angry about short-sighted, tunnel vision nerfing. None of the people my guild lost after the journey-troop-nerf-exodus posted here, either.


They are doing this because from the next version of pvp, they will insert a paid pass. It has already been inserted into the code.
They do all this for money and they listen to new players because the older ones are a minority. The young player are to be fleeced


This phrase is sooo important. I play this game to RELAX. NOT to face an adrenaline-inducing challenge that ends with a big DEFEAT word every time.

PVP has ALWAYS been about playing as many battles as you can as fast as you can - even in the old PVP. It is not Guild Wars.

Thank you for the change (replacing the Wand especially). Please make it permanent and do not nerf Stellarix as he was way too expensive.

And for all those that want the HARD mode - I was position 2 in PVP Global last week with 460 000 VP and that was when Stellarix and Wand was still around. So yes I can do it but it sucks and it is much better now.

For those that want Casual PVP - play Tier 1 battles in Central. It works the same.

I do have to put a word in also for Lvl 1800 players and above - apparently they only get low-level opponents all the time. That is really unfair I think.


Also want to reply to this. There have always been players who like PVP. I leveled all my classes with PVP. I have hardly ever done Explores. I just do not like them. As a new player I was mainly doing PVP. So don’t just assume or force others to like what you like.

“The majority of people taking pvp seriously are doing it for the opportunity to earn books.”

You mean all the end-level players that have never done PVP for years? Maybe now they take a new interest. I did lots of PVP in the old PVP system and it was always newer to mid-level players doing most of it.

PVP has tons of other benefits - you get gold, you get wings, you get pets. With wings you open Glory chests and get mythics and gems. You do not get wings in Explores. You do not get pets in Explores.

Lastly different players like different modes. This year they upgraded PVP a lot. I am sure Guild Wars is going to follow. And Arena - Arena has not been upgraded for ages too. (An actual Arena Leaderboard and a proper event would be nice). I am sure the devs know that players prefer different modes and they will get to upgrading others too.


Played all day yesterday had one defeat in 140 battles in the blood frenzy region, i know there has to be a balance for “all” people to enjoy the game, but it is no longer challenging enough to keep my interest up. I can remember when not to long ago when certain parts of the game brought a feeling of accomplishment like perfecting pure faction in delve for example, now i feel like all you have to do is turn up and grind with hardly any skill attached. And this change to PvP feels like another step in the same direction simplify gameplay expand player base without a concern for your core loyal player base. I understand why youve done this but feel like i had to voice my opinion.


I also want to throw this idea in - It seems it is discouraging for some players that they can never get to the top League Board positions.

For the main Leaderboard you need a week’s vacation - that has always been the case. The no-lifers get the top positions. I am fine if I can get at least 1 - 3 in my League Board. So my suggestion is TAKE THE TOP 10 (or 50 / 100?) GLOBAL PLAYERS OUT OF LEAGUE BOARD REWARDS. Maybe increase the Global Gold Mark reward to compensate for that, so they are not upset. That will give the opportunity to a wider number of players to actually get somewhere in PVP, and feel they can also compete.


This makes absolutely no sense. You freely admit that you know where to play for easier battles but complain that the battles you choose to play are apparently too difficult for you. You do not have to play blood frenzy. You do not even have to play that many battles against stellarix if you play in different regions or using the easy option. You appear to just want the hard option to be easier for you but then what’s the point. You want the harder option ruined for those who want to play it simply because you don’t want to play the easier battles for some reason?

Huh? Blood Frenzy gives double VP. Tier 1 battles in Central give very little VP…why would I want to play battles that give so little VP?

Also I have not come across any player that WANTS to play hard battles. All the players I know do PVP mostly to finish the basic Goals and they want to do it as fast and easy as possible.

The devs would not have changed it if the majority preferred hard battles.

Lots of players complain the game is taking way too much time these days, and harder battles prolong that too.

You are in the minority.

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Because there has to be a trade off. So many people in here are acting like they are being forced to only play hard battles when that couldn’t be further from the truth. Many counters have already been discussed on how to win these difficult battles but people don’t want to put in the work. There are other options where you don’t have to play against these teams but again it’s too much work. Everyone has the option to play the easier battles it will just take more battles to win your league because of course there needs to be a balance.

Simply eliminating the more difficult options because people want to be lazy and only have easy wins doesn’t help the game.

Exactly. This is not my job. This is a game. To relax.

But I am not the ultimate boss here or something - I am sure the stats from PVP have guided the devs in their decisions to make changes - i.e. the majority do not want to play crazy hard looping battles and get wiped in one shot, or manually add in a new team every time they face Wand/Stellarix, or play only very low level battles and never get any VP or League Board position, or take GOW on as their full-time job.


You do realize that some people enjoy a challenge right? You don’t need to play the harder battles. You chose to play them and then complain that they are too difficult for you. It makes no sense. There are other game options for mindless play if that’s all you want out of it

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This is the thing - you do need to play harder battles to get any kind of League Board position. It sounds like you need to play Guild Wars, honestly.