POLL: How do you feel about the Valkyrie changes?

Absolutely agree. I wasn’t trying to pin you all down by saying your total plans and holding you to your word. I just wanted to know what you honestly thought. I think once the meta switches away from blue troops, plus new troops come out, we’ll see a change. I don’t mind not using her at all, once we have better, perhaps just cooler troops.

I say give it a month, if another soul maker comes in and steals the show, so be it. It might either, show the problem as solved or it might reveal a bigger issue at large that the players and devs did not notice before. I like the way they altered Valkyrie, her new trait makes more sence than necromancy. Seriously valkyries were meant to ferry the dead to valhalla, they had nothing to do with necromancy thematically.

Anyone spotted the newcomer in the Top5 yet? TDS.
In before new cries for nerf! :wink:

Top5? Tds? Top 5 of what, i am confused.

Top 5 of used troops, see Sirrian’s second graph.

Stats on their own dont mean a damn thing. Feedback is required.

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TDS usage increased dramatically for people between level 100 and 500.

It seems fairly straightforward - the increase in TDS usage is directly related to those people finally getting him.

He was good right out of the gate as you can see from his relatively static usage by those under level 100 (they’re new and he might have been one of the first Legendaries they got) and those over 500 (who had the resources to get him during his exclusive week).

The reverse is mostly like true. Since the current feedback, from the forums, represents so little comparing to the vast player base we can’t assume a lot from it. Stats and feedback are both important, each on their own.

Certainly there are people that didn’t liked the change, as well as others that don’t care and probably some that haven’t even noticed it and some that liked it in the sense that more options were added.

On the other hand the graphic of troop’s usage doesn’t means that people are happy for not using Valkyrie anymore, but i don’t think that this change was implemented to instantly please or piss off the players.

I know both can be important. I emphasised feedback as a direct response to your man above who downplayed its good because the language didn’t suit him.

I don’t see any reason why the discontent and poll results on the forum would differ much from the playerbase as a whole.

I suspect the player base as a whole skews more moderate (neutral) than anecdotes and polls on the forums would suggest. First, strong opinions are a hallmark of a vested player and are what compel many people to participate in out-of-band communication (forum membership) in the first place. Second, there is likely a large subset of the player base that doesn’t play regularly enough to even notice the reduced resource generation by Valkyrie and has no opinion on the matter at all.


You are right, I was wrong. You are great and I suck. Also I’m stupid and you win. There, I’m done with my good deed of the day, made some poor soul on the internet feel better about him/herself. <3

I think this is spot on. As someone who operated a very popular sports-related forum for almost 10 years, I can say without a doubt that the forum is filled with the vocal fanatics at both ends of the spectrum - the haters and the homers.

The vast majority of the fanbase (or player base in this case) doesn’t:

  1. care enough or
  2. notice the fine details enough

To really have an opinion one way or another.

I kind of assume that we, forum users, are players that care more about this game. We care so much that we come here to share and discuss stuff on a daily basis. We get “exposed” everytime we argue over something in the sense that we let others judge and react to ourselves, not that it is a bad thing, but for some it is unnecessary trouble.
So, yay for us that have all this trouble because we care. :slight_smile:


My man? :confused:

The expression always reminds me of these two. :grin:

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What time frame is represented in these graphs - is it anything like similar?

It’s been what - 3 days since the change? So a meaningful comparison would be the 2.1.0 graph for the 3 days immediately prior to the change. In particular, I’m wondering if Dragon Soul was available for the entire duration that the 2.1.0 graph covers. I know it had already mostly replace Valkyrie for me, both because it’s a lot more fun to blow things up, and I don’t have any of the best cards that she feeds. (Or now that I have some of them, they’re not traited, and it’s still more fun to blow stuff up.)

Also, what does the light blue represent? The other colours show up in the legend.

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@Ivar @htismaqe

Yeah, Lyya is correct, it is obvious, but dont worry as I considered it before posting.

It is also obvious that it is dependent upon the issue at hand. This particular one is not specific to hardcore players and the results here will not be skewed as much as other topics would be, e.g. guild update.

31% on here didnt care, if that was much higher in the real world then we wouldnt have seen that much of a drop in Valkyries use already.

I concluded that the results here are not too far off the overall opinion of players. If that is ok with you son bitches!

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The main issue I have with this update is that they put necromancy on THE WORST options for it (sorry dev’s, you did) and they have little to no synergy with the new soul makers.

Valk was great for soul farming not just because she was a transformer but because you only had to use up 1 troop slot for effective soul farming which at least gave you the ability to create a variety of teams around her. Now you have to dedicate 2 team slots to have an effective soul farm team because now you need 1 soul maker and 1 necromancy troop.

-Acolyte: I simply do not understand this one, I actually consider it a massive downgrade for 2 reasons with 1 being the fact that there is not a single brown soul maker for him to pair with and 2 being jinx was actually a good trait.

-Sacrifice: Complete garbage before, still complete garbage after, what soul team you going to use this with?

-Sacrificial Priest: No, just no, why another troop that kills off the team and nobody EVER uses? no one will use this one either just cause it has necro now.

-Warlock: The only okay-ish switch but you can’t use him with DS, Avina or Banshee because he takes away purple so has to be either Valk or Wight

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I think it’s kind of obvious this was a conscious decision.

Like it or not you now have to make a choice - maximum strength or maximum souls, not both.

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I still run Valkyrie on my primary invasion team because I use her as a blue transformer. None of the other three troops in that build are on Sirrian’s graph, I’m not running any of the meta-blue troops. You make 'em, I whup 'em.

Original Blue? If not, OB fits the description as well as your team.