Please Recognize Red Charlotte's Humanity!

Seriously. What are the odds that she just happens to be the only pure Rogue in the game?

I honestly think GoW did this because they want people to buy the new unit which is inferior to Red Charlotte. The next time the Invasion requires Human, General Suladin will lose his Human type.

I think I remember thinking it seemed intentional and petty of them to make her solely a Rogue at the time.

It’s just like the Statue of St. Veritas…It’s clearly a Construct and yet it’s only a Divine.

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If invasion troops were dual class, they would be usable in another invasion later, which acts as a disincentive to go to tier 6 in the shop to get it to Mythic. Only 2, Wulfric and Mordayne, are dual class.

I agree. I was a bit surprised that they didn’t lost their dual type during or before the knight Invasion.

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I don’t agree it’s an across-the-board disincentive. I was very happy to have two event troops available. Even if you only choose to use one or the other, having more choices is always better than having fewer. Eventually, events will have to repeat and unless they plan on selling the same troop twice we were going to have 2 anyway.

Red Charlotte brings up the original reason I was down on event troops: I don’t want to spend a lot of resources on a troop who is only useful within the constraints of one event. I highly value flexibility. It’s why I worked hard to get a troop like Infernus that is almost always useful in any context.

I get that they don’t want to give me that too early lest we end up where I think, “I have 3 choices, I don’t need the new thing”. Sadly that this day will come is inherent in the event designs. When a dev commits to releasing at least two new troops per week, they have to choose if they are either worse than the current playing field, on par with it, or better than it. Make it worse and nobody buys. Make it on par and the game stagnates. Make it better, and now “better” gets pushed a little higher and balance is harder to maintain.

That’s why other long-lived games do big content releases on long schedules and eventually create rotations.

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