Please delete this

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Some of the pets positioning you posted do look a little funny, but I would rather them work on improving the way the game runs vs. how the pet looks on my shoulder. I rarely use my hero, so 99% of the time I won’t even see this. You could always just choose to not have a pet on your shoulder as well, if you don’t like the way they look and think they are childish.

I get that some people don’t like the new modes, but there are some of us that do. I am not sure how all the new modes/troops/everything else seem to cater to kids to you…I don’t really see that at all personally. I hope they never bring back weekly Guild Wars. I enjoy Guild Wars much more now that it is only once a month. Like I said, we all are allowed to have our own opinions, and while I feel bad for all the people that seem to heavily dislike the new modes, I am happy for myself and the others like me who are choosing to enjoy them.

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