Have pet offers been removed from daily/arena offers or am I just very unlucky? I should be getting offers for two pets but haven’t gotten any for about 2 weeks.
I’ve seen a pet offer in daily offers two days ago, so they’re still there. Not sure about arena offers, I can’t be bothered to play that, but I would assume they’re still there.
I have 22 kingdoms pet locked, all of them have a pet eligible for offers, but I’ll see 1 daily pet offer per week on average. They really don’t want us to get the pets
It all happened in 5-something patch when they increased deed appearance rate - pet rate went down quite noticeably.
So, yes, pet deals are still present both in daily offers and arena, but not as often as one might expect to encounter them.
Do you have kingdoms that are blocked from progression by a lack of pets? If so, are the (potentially) missing pets ordinary pets available from ordinary pet rescues, as opposed to delve pets, cosmetics, et cetera?
I haven’t had this problem in a while, so I can’t speak to recent changes in the frequency of those offers. The only pet-related block I’ve had recently was in Mist of Scales, except that the only pets I didn’t have at mythic were cosmetic pets (one holiday, one campaign) and therefore not eligible. So I’ve not had the opportunity to evaluate if that’s changed.
But when I had all of the necessary pre-requisites in place, I was used to seeing an offer every two or three days. And often one per day from the three Arena offers.
I’m missing Faunette from Pan’s Vale and Shadow-hunter’s hawk from Pridelands.
Before I have been getting pet offers for about every 3-4 days and now nothing for couple weeks.
What offers are you getting? Maybe you unlocked an offer recently that’s more likely to appear.
For example for me, I have 11 kingdoms blocked on class and I see a class offer every other day. Vs 22 kingdoms blocked on pets and rarely seen offers.
Unfortunately missing a pet doesn’t trigger offers for them.
Your kingdom must specifically say, for example, you need to have collected 4 pets or leveled 2 pets to level 20. Otherwise there will be no offers for those pets.
Sorry, I meant I have the “level 4 pets to 20” task in Pan’s Vale and Pridelands.