Pet offers missing from daily/arena?

Have pet offers been removed from daily/arena offers or am I just very unlucky? I should be getting offers for two pets but haven’t gotten any for about 2 weeks.

I’ve seen a pet offer in daily offers two days ago, so they’re still there. Not sure about arena offers, I can’t be bothered to play that, but I would assume they’re still there.

I have 22 kingdoms pet locked, all of them have a pet eligible for offers, but I’ll see 1 daily pet offer per week on average. They really don’t want us to get the pets :unamused:

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It all happened in 5-something patch when they increased deed appearance rate - pet rate went down quite noticeably.

So, yes, pet deals are still present both in daily offers and arena, but not as often as one might expect to encounter them.

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Do you have kingdoms that are blocked from progression by a lack of pets? If so, are the (potentially) missing pets ordinary pets available from ordinary pet rescues, as opposed to delve pets, cosmetics, et cetera?

I haven’t had this problem in a while, so I can’t speak to recent changes in the frequency of those offers. The only pet-related block I’ve had recently was in Mist of Scales, except that the only pets I didn’t have at mythic were cosmetic pets (one holiday, one campaign) and therefore not eligible. So I’ve not had the opportunity to evaluate if that’s changed.

But when I had all of the necessary pre-requisites in place, I was used to seeing an offer every two or three days. And often one per day from the three Arena offers.

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I’m missing Faunette from Pan’s Vale and Shadow-hunter’s hawk from Pridelands.

Before I have been getting pet offers for about every 3-4 days and now nothing for couple weeks.

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What offers are you getting? Maybe you unlocked an offer recently that’s more likely to appear.

For example for me, I have 11 kingdoms blocked on class and I see a class offer every other day. Vs 22 kingdoms blocked on pets and rarely seen offers.

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Unfortunately missing a pet doesn’t trigger offers for them.

Your kingdom must specifically say, for example, you need to have collected 4 pets or leveled 2 pets to level 20. Otherwise there will be no offers for those pets.


Sorry, I meant I have the “level 4 pets to 20” task in Pan’s Vale and Pridelands.