Patch 1.0.9 Preview Part 2

Well I’m torn between saving every extra troop in case another level is introduced in the future and the need to have extra souls in the present. What I’m doing is holding on to all extra legendaries and epics even if it’s more than 4. All others I’m using disenchanting for the extra souls. I’m still in the 400s and need a lot of them.

So… No trait stone crafting… Is there a chance that will happen?

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I made the following decision: Disenchant all common, rare and ultra-rare duplicates. Keep all epic and legendary duplicates.

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I’m gonna wait for the full patchnotes with my verdict, especially the balance changes. If for some reason exploders are coming back you probably will notice a difference though :fearful:

Exploders everywhere + turned off combo breaker is something i would rather not see again… Ever :hatching_chick:


Reminds me of “Dat Gorgotha!” who just endlessly casted his spell…

This, basically. Although I might start saving them for no reason soon, I am fairly loaded. Have to see what happens when I open these chests in two days…

Am I the only one thinking this would be a balance issue? I mean, I sometimes considered leaving the Arena when I got bad cards to restart it with better cards and go all the way to 8 wins. But I like challenges even if it means wasting my time, so I din’t do it. Know I guess if I considered it, some put this method in practice…
I usually get to the 8 wins, like 80% of the times on hard difficulty, so I clearly don’t think this is an “AI combo breaker” related matter. The arena was probably just a bit more balanced at troops lvl 10 and now not so much with lvl 15.

Well, it is a +250% bonus, but knowing it used to be +400 souls… It’s only a +25% from the last time I played arena with grinding purposes…
Wich leads me back to my previous (unanswered) question :

How is the soul starvation problem adressed? From what I see,

  • Arena’s rewards are slightly better than they used to be ; but not everyone likes arena
  • Everyone will still need a Valkyrie in their deck
  • Challenge grinders won’t be affected by 1.0.9 soul farming wise
  • PvP players won’t be able to use difficulty to get better rewards, and I’m pretty sure that above lvl 100, almost everyone plays on either Hard or Warlord 1 difficulty…
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Definitely stay away from that game. It’s a money-sucking, luck-based, unsupported crap game now. In the beginning it was fine, but with every update and patch they skewed everything towards the Pay2Win crowd.

Worst thing in the whole game was drop rates. People would pay $100+ for the Gem currency and not pull a single top card. They had to ban a few thousand accounts because people would email Google and say they didn’t get what they paid for and got refunds :joy:

Sir, I invite you to the treasure hunter guild, we have bugger all masteries :smiley:

Why do so many people seem to think Treasure Maps need to be the best place for every resource in the game in order for them to be an attractive option?

Should we expect them to simultaneously give as much Gold and Glory as PvP and as many Souls as a Valk team grinding Challenges and as many Gems as Guild Tasks/Tributes, etc.?

Personally, I think making them a great place to get Traitstones is enough to make them an attractive option. Anything else is bonus. That said, I’m not convinced 15 is attractive enough, but I’ll have to see how my average moves play out and how long it takes me per map.


3 traits is what anyone should be getting, the better players would probably get 5 or 6. For me, ill keep myself away from it, as trophies and gold are my priority.

It doesn’t have to be the BEST at every resource, but right now it’s not the BEST at ANY resource.


15 moves to get one traitstone takes about 1 minute. That is indeed the quickest method for those with excess maps. Speeding through a challenge takes about 1 minute as well, but it wouldn’t be 100% for a traitstone (it would have the added benefit of traitstone focus though). I would prefer it to be 10 per traitstone, but we’ll have to see how it actually plays out.

it seems to be its the best at glory… thats what i use them for anyway

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Basically random severe cascades makes a surprising number of players go angry german kid.

Someone asked and got no answer, so I’ll reapeat that question.
@Sirrian will the problems with agile trait be fixed? Current greatest problem in the game are immortal last troops with agile traits, so that’s why I’m asking.

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With 23 years I’m not sure I could be called a kid, neither am I from Germany. Why such a hateful comment?

I think it’s related to an internet meme, not intentionally hateful. I THINK.

They believe they have. Answered December 15th, 2015.


Oh, sorry for the confusion “angry german kid” is a meme. He is an acted character that gets far far too annoyed at losing at counterstrike. Youtube it lol. My flatmates occasionally hear me swearing at random AI cascades. I don’t tend to get annoyed with other games, but GOW can really do it to me for some reason, I suspect I’m not alone.