Old Time Rock n Roll

Cost will be 300 glory.

If you’re starting from 0 arcane mountains you will need to purchase 37 packs.

37 x 300 = 11,000 glory.

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@pell the goats are back… I did warn you all…


I can confirm that I got one the week after it switched over as well. No more since then.

Pertition to check autumnal imps please!

We’ll do a double check for you.

Another couple hundred glory and 100 gems keys today, no imp (no mythic either, boo)

I’m another one that can confirm the elusiveness of the Autumnal Imp. 208 gem chests, 150 vip chests and 2,000 glory chests opened just recently and no Imp to be found.

I also confirm finding imp at the time he was available again and no more important since then.

I’ve opened at least 25-27k Glory Chests, 250+ Gem Chests, 50 or 100 VIP Chests, several hundred (honestly no idea) Guild Chests… and no Autumn Imps. All of this since Dragons Claw was released. Finding it hard to believe.