I didn’t know it was possible to get a Mythic from the Invasion shop. I know I got really lucky. It was a nice surprise to start off on a Monday.
They don’t pop up in global chat when you get it. But for some reason Sacred Treasures do.
Congratulations all the same!
I thought the pool was restricted to the kingdom. Shouldn’t Ra be the only mythic in invasion shop?
Thanks, guys! I really have no idea who should have been in there. I’m just happy I got a mythic for 100 gems. Now I just need to come up with a decent team for invasion…
Kingdom for Raids.
Troop type for Invasions.
Didn’t know that, thanks.
If the event is Undead (as now), all undead mythics are in pool. Including the Horseman.
Including the Horsemen…of which only one is actually Undead.
Should’ve been horsemAn instead of men lol. I blame the coffee…
Congrats!!! I was floored too when I scored King Stonehammer… it’s only happened once for me in the whole time playing… Congrats Again!!
Awww thanks, man. It’s been two days and I’m still stoked about it.
Dude, i cant believe it… I pulled Pharos Ra from Class Event!!! Woo hoo… ok now it’s the 2nd time in all the time I’ve been playing!!!