Now that the Deathknight bundle is available in the store, the savage bundle is embarrasingly overpriced

I dont understand how anything thats in the shop sells well

ikr but it depends how much time they have to devote to the game and need that boost to upgrade their kingdoms when starting out. Not an issue for long time players of course.

As for the new armor, it must be a great sell since it became available. I’ve noticed a lot of players in Arena whose heroes are equipped with that Deathknight armor. Seen it in PvP as well. Looks cool and all, but not worth buying. I think all of these armors need a do-over. Having a bonus to gold, souls, and experience only doesn’t cut it anymore. Would be nice if they added a bonus to either health, or magic which can also benefit your allies when fighting with your hero.

Just food for thought.

8000x15 =120k after 15 days so you better not be in hurry to upgrade kingdom :slight_smile:

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Euro price has changed from 65 squids down to 50. Maybe everyone elses has been fixed too??

Yup 49,99$ Can so 57,50 with the taxes much better then 87$ :slight_smile: thanks for the fix


No other armor comes close to the deathknight armor. Best value for money in the game.