Not too happy with the new PvP - anyone one else feel the same?

One of my favorite valk teams is:

  • Double Yellow flag or Yellow/Red
  • Herd Master (first 2 traits are important but not mandatory)
  • Alchemist (first trait is nice)
  • Valkyrie (2nd is important for soul gain)
  • Druid (doesn’t need to be traited, but helpful)

Basically you prioritize yellows, always use druid when available, and use the other 3 to keep the mana flowing. Fairly fast team for PVP and generally very effective. Main weakness is you can’t target specific troops, though that doesn’t usually end up being a problem.

  • You almost never want to use any of the other skills if druid is charged.

  • Never clear yellows with valk.

My current team is
Jarl (fully traited)
Eternal Flame
Valkyrie (fully traited)
Druid (fully traited)

It is extremely efficient, very fast, almost never loses. I should point out I’m on console so it might not be as great when consoles get the Great Maw, but by that point I will simply change to a Maw team.


Thanx for the team and advice on how to use it @Dustin1280. I have practised a bit with another Valk build earlier and the vast difference in speed to the one I used is amazing.

Thanx agin for your help and reply.

I had a pretty good team that I invested heavily in. Now with the pvp changes its crap and I have to start over. My last set of matches put me against teams that were 100’s of levels higher than me and thats when I reached my limit. It no longer costs a small amount of gold to re-set your opponents, now it costs gems! Thats the last straw for me. They have ruined this game with their greed.

@cleric1014 Just a small point from your early posts in this thread. Rank 1 now refers to the top of the leader board, and only one person can ever achieve Rank 1 at a single point in time. The old system’s Rank which I assume you’re referring to has been renamed Tier.

Glad you got some team advice though. This community is great like that.

To keep on topic, I’m still technically on the fence with the new PVP system. I love the theory behind it, but it still needs some kinks worked out.

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My thoughts are, i love it sort of, It feels like what the requester might have wanted some months ago and how it was debated to have a causal mode and competitive mode. I am a dirty casual but i slip into the other side every once and a while and i like it. Screw my pvp points, i have been after the fun of getting to the top not the fun of being at the top.

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I don’t like it much. The ranking system is too confusing now, and I feel like it takes too long to get to Tier 1. I don’t have enough time in my week to do it. I love this game, but I was just barely making it before the change.

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I like the new tier system but then again i spent a whole week to get to rank 1 in the old system. Now with the tier system i spent almost all half a week to get only half way up the ladder. Suffice to say somehow i am not very effected by it but recall bias is a horrible issue. I would have gotten further up the ladder if not for a fusion issue i am trying to keep under wraps but the fix is taking too long for my taste.

It seems more people like it, than people not liking it.

You only have to get to Tier 6 to get the same rewards as before.

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Agreed, but it seems slower (?). Maybe because you can now lose tiers or tier points when not playing. But, since my original post, I became more accustomed to the new system and off course, having a much faster and better team helps a lot! :slight_smile:

I am still wondering something, maybe i am unaffected or my issues are not as bad but it took me half a week to reach half way up the tier list. If the halfway point took me that long then that means under the old system it would have been completed but it takes me a week under the old system. I am wondering why under this system mathematically i am doing better or faster than the old one.

I suppose that’s true. I didn’t notice. I was more focused on being frustrated at how drastically fluctuating my rank was, rather than the Tier as a whole lol.

Is that what it is?

But if so, it takes about 30 battles to get there, which is about a 50% increase on before. That’s my issue. More work for the same rewards. Or conversely, fewer rewards for doing what you used to do, which is how I look at it. I was already devoting as much time to the game as I could. It seems grossly unfair to me that I now have to do more if I want the same payout.

The wall clock time to advance tiers is going to take longer for everyone. Why? Because the new system gives every player an incentive to put up the most robust defense team they can muster. No more cakewalk 20-second wins against a single troop defense. Plus, the new matchmaking system factors in a numeric measure of opposing teams’ strength, based on past performance. The devs are working from a database that collects stats on 1M battles per DAY. If you’re going to play ranked battles, you’re going to have to work for your wins, which is how it was really intended to work all along.


I don’t mind. That is fair. But I do mind having to fight more battles. That is not.

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The flip side is that there is now a much higher ceiling in terms of rewards. It’s 10 extra battles for the same rewards, but that used to be the cap. Now, for like 30 more battles, you can get 3x the old rewards.

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Yes! That is my point! That is bunk!

They have redistributed the rewards somewhat. You get more glory per battle. You get to combine invasions with revenges and only fight one battle to get glory for both. You get extra glory for winning a rivalry battle, which didn’t exist before. All that extra glory adds up and gets you more rewards in the store.

If you are in an active guild, the fact that many of your guildmates are happy to fight more battles means more gold in the guild coffers which means more rewards for you, without your having to do anything extra at all!


I’m on console so no new PvP for me, but from what I have read so far, I like the idea of it.

All right, that is true. Stuff is distributed around so differently that it is a little difficult to really have a firm grasp on what comes in resource-wise. A lot of this will take time to see how it plays out. We haven’t even gone through a full week-long event yet. I will do some math on it later, but right now I don’t see how it could possibly work out to the same payoff for the same amount of work. For clarity, I’m only talking effort to Rank 1 in the old days–which was for many, the pinnacle of their weekly achievement (mine, too)–being equal to effort in the update.

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