[Not a bug] Where are the Cursed Gnomes?

Please, correct me if I got it wrong. Players complained about the last week’s very low Cursed Gnome drop rate although it was 100% increase from the base chance. Listening to the feedback you decided to increase the same base chance by 50% for two weeks?
If yes, thanks for nothing and Merry Christmas to you, too! I hope that your Xmas presents won’t be empty.


Always the same problem. Nobody has any patience any more. The soul forge upgrade should be a long term project. On the one hand, players complain they have nothing new to pursue, but when there’s something new, they want to complete it immediately, preferably with the least effort possible.

old men

“This player started GoW when he was 16 years old, seven years ago. Now, he doubts that he will live long enough to upgrade Soulforge and Doomed Weapons. It may be that nobody has any patience any more - he doesn’t have any time left any more. They promised a huge Merlin but delivered a small roach”.
Excerpts from the upcoming book “The Old Man and the GoW” by Whiny Agreements (anagram)


Every single troop I have is fully traited. A few are still not at mythic level, but that’s just something that will resolve itself over time as I use more keys. The only troops I am missing are some mythics, and 2? of the most recent legendaries.
There’s not much I can do regarding the missing troops, other than keep on dumping resources at them. I had no luck getting the last 2 mythics after spending over 80k guild seals on them and 150-200k+ glory wings in addition to all the other keys I spent… even including spending some gems on vip keys. To me, it all felt like a massive waste of resources and time.
The keyword here is Time. My time.

All my kingdoms are at level 15 minimum.
When looking at how to progress further at this point, all I can see is insanely expensive projects that would takes an absurd amount of time and resources to do… for each kingdom.
The keyword here is: Time. My time.

And now we have this update to the forge where basically the main resource/currency is a drop from an ultra rare gnome, that I have only seen once since the update, even despite your so-called celebration with 100% increased spawn rate.
Again, trying to obtain the resource to do anything for the forge to progress my game all feels like a massive waste of time.
The keyword here is: Time. My time.

See a theme here?

At this point for me, the game doesn’t feel rewarding to play at any level, and I keep asking myself, why do I still bother? Why do I spend my time on it? And likewise, why would I spend any more money on it? I know I’m not the biggest whale, but I’m almost at vip rank 10. There are only 4 games I’ve spent more money and time on than this one. I only play one of them still.

I’m not even sure why I’m trying to make this post, because I feel like it too is a waste of my time.


Appreciate the communication!