I have confirmed what ESR77 said in the patch notes thread. I used Moonsinger and it converted lycanthropy gems to green.
@OminousGMan, this change was not mentioned in the patch notes, and is contrary to your comment about how converters are expected to work with heroic gems and this topic being marked as “Not a Bug”.
I also regard the 5.6 change to the behaviour of converters as “a good thing”. Please do not revert it. I would appreciate a clarification about how heroic gems are intended to interact with converters.
Now working: Sir Quentin, Mercy, Moonsinger (and presumably other purple converters)
Half working:
Sycorax, creates purple gems when cast on lycanthropy gems
The Grey King, destroys purple gems when cast on lycanthropy gems, but does not cause damage to purple enemies
No-op: Tuliao, still allowed to cast on lycanthropy gems, won’t enchant purple allies
I didn’t test other similar troops (choose/select a colour). They’re likely still broken.