No rewards in the pet rescue event


Today i’ve encountered an issue during the pet rescue.
I’ve reached the last fight, lost it and got the mesage “the evend has ended”.
However, i got nothing in the rewards (the same message occured), and i’ve received nothing in the game mail box (it was working fine until this time).

Will the rewards come in a moment or is it lost due to this bug/error?

Thanking you in anticipation.

Maybe time event has ended exactly during your last fight? if it happened you’ll sadly get no rewards :confused:

Even if i didn’t gather the previous fights rewards?

Unfortunately yes. You have to remember to collect rewards, otherwise they’re lost forever…

Ok…not very pleasant to hear, but i’ll do it next time…:slight_smile:

The rewards for stages you have completed will be mailed to you if you did not collect them before the event ended.
You have to finish the battles before the events end for them to be counted.

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I suggest to collect rewards after each battle if you’re in close danger of running out of time - there’s no need to risk all the efforts :wink: