No response


About 9 days ago I submitted a ticket and I haven’t received a reply yet.

Ticket ID: #135468

Is it normal for it to take this long?

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@Bramble @Kafka ^

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It shouldn’t be, but it might be nowadays.

I put in a ticket May 13, got a response on Jun 3, I replied back Jun 3, got a response back again/resolved Jun 5.

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Well, that’s definitely not comforting :sweat_smile:

I put one in in JANUARY. Still ignored despite numerous follow up emails and a topic here. Devs don’t care.

That really sucks :sob:

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@Bramble @Kafka, it’s been 15 days now.


Get comfy. You’re likely in for a lengthy wait.

Is your issue directly costing the dev team $? If not no reason to be sorted.

Is your issue directly breaking the law? For instance paid content not received? Your issue MAY be sorted, if they have to, if there’s no way to twist what happened so that it looks good.

Is your issue in the players favour instead of the games? If not no reason to be sorted.

Will your issue go away if it’s not fixed, for example an event ending making it moot? If so no reason to be sorted.

Are you VIP 20? If not no reason to care if you’re upset or inconvenienced at all.

This is the reality.


actually vip 20 doesnt mean you’re vip, in any mean.


VIP means you spend $ on game. VIP means you spend a LOT. They will do anything up to and including sending you troops if you miss out on them (yes really) in order to keep you happy and playing and spending. Those people pay the bills. If you’re not one of them, you’re MUCH led priority. They even ask for VIP level when you put in a ticket so that they can give you your deserved priority.

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We don’t send Troops to people unless somehow their Troops were affected by a bug.
It’s incredibly rare, and generally nothing at all to do with the Troop itself, but more to do with like “the collection button didn’t work in the first place”

It has nothing to do with VIP level.

I didn’t want misinformation out there :sweat_smile:


It’s cool we know who’s a dev and who’s just jibber jabbering. Thanks for calling out “fake news” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :muscle:

I’ll keep it vague, cause wouldn’t want to be banned for a call out or anything, but my anecdote was based on first hand information of a guild mate.
We can agree to disagree though. I do find it incredibly interesting that that’s the only thing you chose to refute.