New Kingdom - Dhrak-Zum

I never said anything different, as a matter of fact i was probably among the first people to call them out for it in random threads weeks ago.
I would not mind them getting reworked entirely. Doesn’t change what i said about their traits though.

I just saw Tacet’s video this week and he recomends to use event Keys? This recomendation apply to people with only 1 mythic? I was keeping the Keys when was the week of a good mythic kingdom…


The two legendary troops of this kingdom are arguably better than most mythics, and your event keys actually have a good chance of pulling one of them, compared to the chance of pulling a mythic troop with them on another week.
In the end it is your choice, but if your question is if these legendaries are worth the keys, then the answer is hell friggin yeah.


Doomskulls just dont work in this design space. You know its bad when Entangle doesn’t do anything about it.

It needs to drop +5 damage gimmick. At most +1 damage, or better yet, just make them explode only.

I’m back and forth on how I feel about Doomskulls.

One part of me says this is WAY too easy. I’ve lost very few matches, and the matchups were ones I could tell before the first move were going to be tough. I don’t think there’s a good AI counter for this, and that it takes a lot of challenge out of the game.

On the other hand: I spend a lot of time thinking while using this team. You need the board to be in a certain state for it to go off, and it takes time and work to get the board into that state. Once you do, you let it rip and you’re done. I compare this to my old, pre-Infernus teams and… it’s more fun. Those were fast and mindless, this is more cerebral. This team feels like I have the chance to misplay and explode my own face. I like that.

My experience so far is the AI isn’t very good at piloting this team. It’s going to be as annoying as Goblins for people who don’t have the tools to counter it, but I haven’t lost a mirror match yet. I’m curious what the GW teams with it are going to be like, in my current team you really need some interactions that aren’t going to work on a color-focused team in the current set of troops.

I think this is going to be very, VERY controversial if it stays as-is. But for the time being, I’m enjoying a new tool to absolutely shred the pet rescues.

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Honestly you have a much better chance to get a Mythic from Gem keys than you do with event keys

I was just looking at one of the new troops and noticed something.

Slave Ghost: It’s spell deals damage to the weakest Enemy and then transforms all regular skulls into Doomskulls.

Without an Extra Turn (so you could kind of use him like Skeleton), isn’t this a bit stupid? Because, if there is a 3 match of skulls on the board and you fire this off, all you do is give the enemy more damage toward you. That seems pretty silly, if you ask me (unless you have a trait that triggers on that taken damage). I suppose you could use it when there’s just a bunch of skulls on the board and none of them line up. But, that seems pretty dumb too.

Only good use I see is to have him in first slot with two 3 matches on the board, fire off, give the skulls to the enemy, they hit you, it activates his second trait and you can hit them back with a little more damage. That still seems pretty dumb though.

Am I missing some super amazing way to use him that doesn’t involve you at least taking some damage in the process? Or what?

I don’t think you are missing anything. You could basically prepare a more devastating board when you have another troop ready to transform gems to skulls or generate skulls for your next turn, that is all.
It is just a lower rarity troop in the end, they can’t all be winners :stuck_out_tongue:

Right, but I mean even some low rarity like Skeleton can make use out of doing something with skulls. Slave Ghost’s arranges from a little damage + do nothing (change to Doomskulls and don’t give the opponent a match) to little damge + give the opponent more damage to slam you with. Outside of your "prep the board’ idea (and even that’s not great), or triggering a trait upon said damage, he seems pretty useless.

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I completely agree with you that this troop isn’t a good one. It is average damage for its rarity + a more devastating skullgenerate next turn with the risk of backfiring onto you.
When you have access to all rarities of troops it seems very underwhelming, but i guess for someone who doesn’t have higher rarity troops it might be an alternative to use in team with Skeleton for example.
Game is full of troops that i’ll never touch because of their rarity based weakness, just how it is.

Not every troop is “good” or even “conducive to winning”. Part of evaluating a troop is asking how often its ability will make things better for you vs. worse. The better troops are ones where you can make sure the results are almost always “better”.

Mercy is my favorite example there.

In her best case, turn 1 she matches a ton of yellow, your most important troop is full, and you get a free turn. In her worst case, turn 1 you cast her and your opponent gets all of those things.

The thing that makes Mercy so good is you can choose when to cast her, and on those bad starts you simply wait. Maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of my games go by without Mercy doing much. In the other 3/4 or 2/3 of my games, she does things ranging from ‘amazing’ to ‘great’.

Slave Ghost isn’t THAT good. Obviously you don’t want to cast it if it lines up matches for your opponent. But on a clogged board, you might gamble it will play well with a Gorgotha cast next turn. That’s a lot of “ifs” though, so if I were grading it it’d be about a D.

The vast majority of the game’s troops don’t see much play.


The new units are fun and strong. They’re definitely not the fastest in the world, and they’re not great on defense. I have no problem with them - I’m winning just as much as usual, but having more fun. Win-win.

Also the occasional backfires are, in the immortal words of Mark Strong, “Foooookin’ spectacular!”

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Soooo, in keeping with the Michael Bay theming, Doomskulls also explode if they are caught in the 3x3 block of another Doomskull. I just cleared half the board by matching three Doomskulls in the bottom right corner. The chain reaction took care of the other 30+ gems that were cleared.

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Cool guys who don’t look at explosions and calmly walk away… get arrested.

Finally I used my 150 event Keys and get 2 King bloodhammer. I’m searching for a fast team that uses him. Thougths?

Doomstorm is stupid.

Team of four Firebombs, harmless right? This is what happened. I had 75% and 65% skull reduction!

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Bringing a knife to a gunfight is not smart. But neither is bringing a gun to a fight at an explosives factory.

I think it’s nice that there is a team that will completely subvert a Glaycion/Bloodhammer team and use its strength against itself.


Fun fact, they got a skull match and then did me lethal damage with the explosion since it hit a bunch of doomskulls. But I still won because it registered them dying first.


Literally anything with Glayceon and mana generation. As long as you can keep board control, you win.