New Kingdom: Darkstone

I got a very helpful person called Mike who handled my issues over at 505. Was happy to credit my account when tasks glitched and do what he could on his end.

However there are so many bugs it is a lot of back and forth. I just feel sometimes like the console players are second class citizens in the world of Gems of War. Even on this forum the consoles theads are quieter and there is not the same cliques for us.

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Please donā€™t take this as some kind of dislike of the console part of the community. Unfortunately many of the veteran crowd do not play on console and the versions are different enough they have trouble answering.

Also, the PC / Mobile community has had more time to build up and ensconce its ā€œparagonsā€. People like Jainus, Archanessa, Melkanth, Serale, and others know tons about this game and play it very regularly. They are helpful and quick to answer (or try to answer) any question they can. They are positive and supportive of the game even when it is behaving in ways they donā€™t like.

The console part of the community needs something similar as well, but that will come from that part of the community. This is natural on any ā€œnewā€ game board. The contrast is just a little more obvious because some of our paragonā€™s knowledge doesnā€™t translate directly. Hang in there, soon enough console will have names that everyone recognizes and who know the game well enough to answer questions like the mobile / pc crew. Once that starts to happen you will see more activity in the console specific parts of the forums.



Thanks for the response Razlath, I suppose it is understandable it is the way it is due to the reasons you have mentioned above.

Perhaps with time we console players will establish a better footing in the community too.

To be clear though, I do indeed enjoy the game and continue to clock countless hours despite numerous little issues.

Hi everyone,

First of all, not to worryā€¦ weā€™re still here! I did want to clear up a few things, though:

Regarding our own forums, the reason we have temporarily removed them is because the ones that were built into our new support system were not as robust and feature-rich as some others (particularly the GOW ones here and the Terraria Community Forums, both of which are fantastic), and we found them to be ineffective. Personally, I hated using them and moderation was difficult. We want them to be fun and intuitive, so weā€™re currently looking at a number of alternate solutions. We would rather have no forums than mediocre ones. We have a knowledge base article that speaks directly to it right on our front page here, so trust me, thereā€™s nothing shady going on! :smile:

Also, regarding GOW specifically, we hang out almost exclusively in the XB1/PS4 subforum, so if you need our attention, you can find us there. The fastest way to get in touch with us, though, will always be through our own portal. Our ticketing system is very effective, because we can track each issue individually and gather important information from our players to pass on to the developer with ease.

Gems on console has been an interesting case for us, especially because of the task issues. Thankfully, we have a good admin tool that allows us to edit player accounts to credit them for tasks completed in game that arenā€™t triggering or rewarding properly. We appreciate those who have contacted us and continue to be patient with us as we work through the problems. Weā€™ve had some customers contact us 20-30+ times on certain tasks that arenā€™t working, but weā€™re still happy to help. Seriously. :smile: We know itā€™s annoying for you to have to do this, but until we get everything fixed, this is the best we can do.

As a further look into how things work, we do have a direct communication pipeline and system set up with Pipeworks at the moment, and issues are individually reported, verified, fixed, and tested. As I have mentioned elsewhere, consoles are unique in that the submission, testing, and approval process is longer than what weā€™re accustomed to on PC and mobile, so turning around patches/fixes does take longer. Thereā€™s nothing that we can do about this, but rest assured that we are doing everything we can to take care of these bugs as quickly as possible.

Hope that helps clear things up, and we appreciate everyone who has downloaded and played this game. Weā€™re constantly impressed with how dedicated you are to it, and how quickly some of you advanced past Lv. 100. Iā€™m still at 41, but am looking forward to eventually breaking through to 50+.

Thanks again, and have a great weekend!