New Dungeon Screenshots & Discussion Thread

Day 29 (123456) Almost lol

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Day 28


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The dragon I could. The days I get a perfect run, I don’t pop the traps unless I can’t find the bonus room.

1: Toxic Trap
2: descending stairs
3: King Gloom Leaf
4: Cursed Trap
5: Emeraldrin
6: King Owlbear

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Started with 4 (seems to be the safest door for everyone so far imo)
Looked at my data and was pretty confident with 2 over 1
Then I had to choose between 3 and 6 and picked the wrong one this time even that my data gave me a slightly better chance of 6 would be the last boss


You could open all doors after doing the bosses regardless :wink:

The rare trap on 4 ended things early
:sweat_smile: :vulcan_salute:


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Full disclosure that I haven’t been taking screenshots or rigorous notes on what order I’ve opened things as I usually do it first thing in the morning on my phone while I’m still half asleep. So feel free to discount this as any sort of data.

However, I have gotten 4/5 perfect runs the last 5 days and I’ve started each day on rooms 4,5, then guessed the remaining room, usually 1,2, or 6. Two of those runs I’ve hit either an altar, stairs, or gem on the third pick and had to go again.

Anyway, I’m going to stick with 4,5 and gut feeling on third as my strategy until it starts to fail me. Sorry for just the anecdotal evidence.



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The struggle continues, waiting on developers to fix the probability.
I believe they should have a way to utilize some useless resources such 100 or 500 treasure maps to reveal two boxes (Dungeon box/Slot). This will increase the chances of getting the perfect run and get these Dragonite. And this will make a use for these useless treasure maps.

I missed some of the first few days but eventually started tracking them all for myself. I didn’t save all the screenshots though.

I’ll start post what I have if it helps those collecting data from the community.


I haven’t seen 3 battles in the top row yet. Traps have heavily dominated that row so far for me. I’m up to 7 perfect runs.


Did anyone here managed two days a row with Perfect runs?

@Eika, yes I had two Perfect Runs in a row, then missed a day, and just had two more Perfect Runs in a row. Overall, I believe I’ve gotten 7-8 Perfect Runs on one account since the update. Then again, I’m still stuck on Level 4 as stairs have been incredibly rare for me.

Between that and buying Dragonite I’m working on my fourth egg at this point with 2 uniques and 1 duplicate.

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Nice run with the perfect runs! I also just got my 3rd duplicate dragon from crafting. That is a bellysmashing feeling to be honest!

I am not complaining, because there is that person that got 4 out of 4 duplicates. I am sure there is.


Oof, that’s so rough. At the very least this should have been implemented from the start so if you get 4x a gem dragon it’s eliminated from the pool. There is no valid reason to have more than 4x of any one of these in the game other than dev greed.

I have neither of the dragons you have as I’ve got yellow x2 and brown x1. I’ve also only been crafting them one at a time as I earn them instead of opening multiple at once. I’ve seen too many instances of streaky RNG in this game to trust that.


I can 100 % sympathize with that. Sadly I doubt the change will come. We may be climbing a 90 degrees uphill battle…

Yes there is. I’ve seen screenshots of a pvp defense team consisting of 4x the same dragon. :confused:

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Day 30 (123456)

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Went 4/5, RIP.

0/29, or is it 0/30 now?

Another day closer to uninstalling.

Assuming randomness, 95.7% of players have had at least one perfect run. While I may not have had one yet, I believe I now hold the record for the longest streak of daily likes from AMT, who is noting my descent into madness.

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I actually thought I was going to get another Perfect Run. 3 was an altar, 4 was a boss. 5 was a boss (17th day in a row that 5 was safe). Picked 6. whomp whomp.

Turns out it was 2, which I should have expected and at the same time wasn’t expecting (I really was expecting 6 then 1). Go figure. I wonder if I could have guessed that 2 if I spent more time.

Tracked Run Summary: Day 19

Brown: 3,5,6 (4 was an altar)
Diamond: 3,4,6 (2 was a diamond bonus)
Blue: 4,5,6 (3 was an altar)
Green: 2,3,5 (4 was an altar)
Red: 4,5,6 (3 was an altar)
Yellow: 3,4,5 (1 was ascending stairs)
Purple: 4,5,6 (2 was ascending stairs)
Brown: 3,5,6 (4 was an altar)
Diamond: 1,2,6 (5 was ascending stairs)
Blue: 3,4,6 (5 was descending stairs to level 3)
Green: 2,4,5 (1 was an altar)
Red: 2,3,6 (5 was descending stairs to level 4)
Yellow: 1,4,5 (3 was an altar)
Purple: 3,5,6 (4 was an altar)
Brown: 1,5,6 (3 was a garnet bonus)
Diamond: 4,5,6 (3 was a diamond bonus)
Blue: 3,5,6 (4 was an altar)
Green: 3,5,6 (2 was descending stairs to level 5)
Red: 2,4,5 (3 was an altar)

1: Fire Trap
2: Rubirath
3: Altar of War
4: Queen Sheggra
5: King Jarl Firemantle
6: Jinx Trap

can’t quite say I like listing all of the rooms out like this…

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