New 4.7 achievement is bad-design

Remember this when someday you show up to the forums to make a complaint. Then kindly do not make your post.

I don’t think you ever actually provide value to a thread in which you participate. You just show up to find some reason why the people having a discussion are losers and should be winners like you. There’s a reason you have as much, if not more, free time as the losers you taunt. It has nothing to do with being a winner.

Some of us are comfortable with who we are and what it entails. People who aren’t tend to project their flaws on others and loudly complain about people who do that. My 2nd grade teacher put it this way: “Usually, when you point a finger at someone, the natural hand gesture has 3 fingers pointed back at yourself.”


Upgrading 100 common and uncommon troops, you can get gold by using 300 total of cedric/yasmine/gaard badges. 300 * 9 is 2700 tokens, 2-3 tokens per boss chest, 900 - 1800 boss chests. So roughly 1400 boss chests to get the trophy.

So pretty much what you are planning.

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Which is of course unlikely to help any regular deck that you regularly use. That just accentuates how stupid this achievement is. Who was the guy that inspired this again?

I gold medaled my dragon egg for skeleton key deck, but yeah not much use in putting medals on commons.

Inspired by some achievement hunter i never heard of, did a voice over on some halo red vs blue series that I never watched. I had to google it.

We just have to keep this in the mind of the devs I guess. Once their wannabe-joke with Roster Teeth is forgotten, they may actually start thinking about their players again like they used to :slight_smile:

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At least 1 person unlocked this on xbox so far.

Never said the achievement was not obtainable. :wink:

They could ask to medal every single troop in the game and you can be sure they’ll eventually be someone to do it. Does that make it a good achievement ? I don’t think so.


Well, that’s probably the next “update” achievement: “Let Them Eat Cake: Obtain 10 mythics BEFORE release”.

If I can’t criticize the critics, then u can’t criticize me, or they can’t criticize in the first place

As a guild leader who has long viewed achievement hunters as representing the best and worst in the player base, i like the achievement. This is one that will keep people playing and attract the best back to the game. Lazy achievement boosters won’t like it, but the completionist hunters who actually work hard will get it done and benefit their guild at the same time.

I really don’t see how “Geoff’s” achievement will inspire good players to return. They left because they are burnt out, jaded or a whole bunch of other reasons. Why would they return to endure more tedious grind which may have been the impetus for them departing in the 1st place? I think this achievement, coupled with the meta nerf of 4.7 will be more likely to prompt further departure rather than enthusiastic return.


There are players who leave “until more achievements are added,” and return to work their butts off for the 100%. This one will mean a long tenure for those players, should they decide to return.

I didn’t know that tbh. But I imagine they are in the minority. I’ve personally played other games more following new achievement updates in the past. But those achievements and new content are generally much more inventive than this. Some people can just switch off and grind the same mode with the same team day in day out. Some can’t. I fear that the former are now becoming less prevalent. The latter are burnt out and jaded by grind and lack of variety regarding effective team options. This achievement accentuates the catatonic mindset needed to actually achieve it. I am sure it will be superceded by something equally or even more mind numbing.

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They are in the minority, but most of them go to one forum (at least for xbox) to look for a guild when they return.

New achievements made me come back to the game 2 years ago. Before that, I had grinded to lvl100 and stopped with the game. Since then, I played it everyday (I’m level 1199 now…), knowing that each patch would bring new achievements and I wanted to stay ahead so that “marketing strategy” actually works, for sure.

But as @Thevc says, now I’m starting to really feel burned out by the game. I’m at a 94% average completion of all my games and as it seems this game will never be 100% anyway, I guess I could just spend those 100h on some other games, where getting achievements actually feel rewarding and not like some chores.

If it helps your guild though, good for you of course :wink:

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I am a completionist in most games and am occasionally frustrated by glitchy achievements that failed to unlock despite satisfying the stated criteria to do so. Halo and gears for example have been guilty in this respect; commendably gems is ronseal. Do the job and it’s done, but surely the achievements are limited on an increasing grind basis. Having the appetite for constant repetition isn’t for everyone…variety is the spice of life after all. But gems is devoid of variety because the vast majority of “troops” are practically unusable. Pvp is an incessant drudge of sheep players following meta defences. It’s horrendous and the mode is dying fast. I see ZERO point in grinding an achievement that doesn’t make rubbish troops (because they are the cheapest to medal) any more likely to become viable inclusions in your decks. Plus, medals in general don’t really enhance the troops you DO USE in any significant manner. I really think the devs are under pressure to release new stuff but have long since exhausted their creative flair. So we get bored, and disillusioned and we leave. Delves MUST be addressed ASAP. It’s the biggest albatross in the game. Medals? What’s the point?

Gems can NEVER be completed. These “F2P” games are designed not to be. Players get close only to be presented with something more ludicrously grindy to address. They get jaded, and leave, often having invested SIGNIFICANT cash. Leaderboards are a reflection of available time and available cash combined. Players who don’t ascend VIP can only stay in contention for so long. There’s nothing “F2P” about that.

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I don’t like the achievement as is. Perhaps ‘use medals on 100 troops’ would be more agreeable, and stil keep it ‘100’. But we don’t know what the future will bring, and future events may have us sitting on hoards of medals the way we are sitting on mythic and legendary ingots.

I’m in no rush. I’m waiting to see what the reqs are for future kingdom level progression.

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When it comes to Achievements, technically it can… I have no idea when it comes to trophies, but I could only imagine they keep it in parity.

I could be working with outdated information, but from what I know, there’s a limit on how many gamerscore can be given out per season and there was a hard cap of 5,000 gamer score overall in a single game.

Only thing that has actually passed that cap is the Halo: The Master Chief Collection which is a first party anomaly as is.

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I play Halo MCC and there are more achievements (understandably because it’s several games combined into 1 title) than any game I can think of. Some of them are seriously difficult, particularly LASO and there is no way to gain these gongs without dedication, creative play, an aspect of skill and perhaps a little luck along the way. Gems is obviously a very different type of game and luck, esp with delves is a notable factor. Completing achievements is feasible in gems of course, but true ‘end game’ in my opinion is not. New content will always ensure something to grind for and that will always be the case; players wouldn’t keep spending otherwise; they would leave and wait for the next edition (like with gears or COD etc). That’s how the franchises keep you enthralled and keep you buying new editions, DLC etc. It’s fresh, new and exciting and players will keep coming back for more. Gems is the antithesis. It is of course limited by its simplicity as a match 3 game. But hammering increased levels of repetitive grind is not new, not inspiring and not exciting. But yet many high VIP players have invested more cash than would be required to purchase every successful franchise edition of ALL the most successful games including all DLC content (probably even with every weapon skin going). Of course we play and spend as we choose, but it seems apparent that eventually the financial support of the game becomes unsustainable because the enjoyment wanes proportionally to the increased grind. Result…departure. I can play any game with friends online when I have the time. If I am otherwise occupied I have no obligation to drop everything and join in. I am not letting anyone down. This game pressures players to engage when they may not want to and that is purely down to design. And that design is psychologically unhealthy. Sirrian talks nonsense about healthy playstyle because his game perpetuates more and more time commitment with each and every update. The fun has gone; the focus is cash and they have no concept of healthy play. The 2020 introduction of gaming disorder as a recognised illness should definitely recognise gems of war as one of the most unhealthy games propagating this condition.


This achievement is bad. Change it to 10 or 20, and/or make medals available like treasure maps and ingots.