Mythic-Chasers: like myth-busters, but not

I have played countless matches, and can honestly say that I’ve used base mythics in less than 1% of those matches.

Nice to have, of course. Needed by ocd-ers to complete their collection, naturally. Essential, not really.

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to get the imps you need to loot them in the season that actually are in the chests
(right now i think only imp possible to loot in pc/mobile is imp of love, despite how many chests you would open the other imps just wont drop outside of their availability season)


Yeah i know but its still maddening
The ones i need are winter love and spring


See you next year!

Just need spring imp! Just got imp of love and got all the rest last year… Hope i get her this year lol


summer imp for me…

so… who is aiming for nearest/ next (spoiler: tanky dwarf) mythic?

im curious will a skipping mythic trend appear :stuck_out_tongue: and to what degreee

myself im going to try to loot it as i wanna collect them all. at a cost of only having one copy of each but having each is my goal :slight_smile:

are there any ppl who skip some mythics but try to get more then one copy of some? how do you guys do it :slight_smile:

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Like you, my goal is to get every base mythic. I never chase multiple copies of them since that will hurt my chances of getting the next one.


I had already been using an “every other mythic” method, primarily because I couldn’t afford to chase one every month. Now that I’ve stored up some resources, I imagine that will change permanently. I tried it out with Jotnar and Ketras and got them both. That being said, I’m not going to blow my entire stash on letdown dwarf. :smiley:

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Yeah i want them all too i got pharos and jotnar but missed ketras

Ill try for them all and any i miss ill hope for later like when i missed gards but got him anyway just last week…

I figure i will get them all eventually because i dont plan to quit playing GoW any time soon☺

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Aiming is such a strong word. On any mythic release week, I generally set a cap on how much I’m willing to spend and stop if it doesn’t drop. As this one looks particularly terrible, my cap will be rather low, but I’ll still be disappointed if it doesn’t drop (mainly because of future kingdom power implications). On the off chance they ever release a really good mythic again, I want to make sure I’m above the 10k gems mark (preferably more) when that happens.


If he hasn’t changed from the spoilers thread I’ll probably spend all my gem keys but not my gems


then do you open keys outside of exclusive weeks or do you mean to just hunt the missing ones with event keys?

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Lol i have no willpower until the week prior to mythic release… I use keys when i get them and only save a week before new stuff… Only exception is event keys. I save those if the weeks event has no troops i need


im the opposite then :stuck_out_tongue:

im saving even gold keys right now until new kingdom is released xD (im missing a lot of silverglade troops but a week after silverglade release i decided to rather open at new kingdom for more chances to complete both of them)
i open event keys only to get 1 copy of new legendary if such is released (or to try to get the mythic i missed)

and the glory/gem keys and gems i save for 1 copy of new mythic, once i get it i stop opening


I’m saving 2500 gold keys for the new kingdom and spending the rest.

For Glory, Gem, and Event keys, I don’t spend them until exclusive weeks since the only cards I don’t have are mythics.

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Aiming? I’m going in swinging wildly, hoping to connect a single blow with one of the roughly 1000 gem chests I can afford by then. From past experiences, it’s exceedingly likely I’ll once again end up empty handed, so I’ll try to keep my expectations low. The disappointment will probably pass within a week, especially once the guild channel no longer shows all other members being successful. :unamused:


I’m curious as to your reasoning here. You’ll need about 21,000 gold keys to mythic the next kingdom’s new common. Any keys spent now that don’t get whatever common you are hunting as of now to mythic before the new kingdom drops are basically wasted, because as of now, you only need about 20k gold keys (opened between silverglade release and now) to mythic that common. Just a few weeks later, you’ll need 21,000 gold keys total to get that one to mythic. And if you already have silverglade’s common at mythic (it hasn’t been four weeks since the last common yet, right?), you just get a small amount of glory and a pittance of gems.

I normally use my resources as follows:

Gold Keys - only spend on new kingdom releases. Everything they can buy is long since mythic and I have hundreds more of every color of minor than I need to trait every troop in the game currently and am outpacing the release scehdule on minor stones.
Gems - VIP chests on Mythic releases only
Glory - Ultra-Rares and above in troop packs to mythics, commons and rare ascended a couple times unless I really need the Arcanes (not many left on that front). Otherwise, save as emergency stash of event keys
Event Keys - New legendaries in old kingdoms - get one and move on. New kingdoms - get legendary to mythic.
Gem Keys - Dump them if I don’t get the exclusive mythic in the first 50 VIP keys.
Seals - Dump them when my guild hits 40k seals for the small chance they’ll contain something useful other than guardians (spoiler: usually not)
Glory Keys - Dump them after new kingdom release for the small chance they’ll contain something useful after thousnads of keys.

The entire cycle leaves me possibly moving up on gems on a given month, but since there was one mythic I ended up spending 9k gems, 600+ gem keys and 1000+ glory keys on and not getting it, all of that can disappear in a flash. I basically have no chance at ever obtaining any prior released mythic I have missed because of this. If I altered how I opened keys to maximize chance of prior mythics instead, I’d end up with less unique mythics overall after a period of time, which is not something I’d want to do.


i open guild keys and seals only during new mythic exclusive week when 40k :slight_smile:


I still need commons from Silverglade and had never done the math. Now I see I’m better off just waiting until the new kingdom comes out. :+1:

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I’ll give you my mentality, using your breakdown, maybe you can help me gain a bit more efficiency.

Gold Keys:
I was saving back 2500 for the new kingdom and spending the rest trying get Silver Drakon from the last new new kingdom. I will change this.

Glory Keys:
Not currently using them at all. I’ve been saving them as a contingency plan should I have resource shortage during the next Mythic release.

Gem Keys:
I use these during Mythic release only. Once I get 1, I stop spending them. (Not trying for multiple copies of base mythics at this point)

Event Keys:
I use these during Kingdom weeks where there’s a mythic I don’ t have or a legendary I don’t have ascended to mythic (I have at least 1 of all legendaries at this point)

Gems - I use these on VIP or Gem chests during Mythic release weeks only, otherwise I save them.
Glory - I use this to purchase the weekly event troops and associated trait stones.
Guild - I usually just wait to 40K every week and open however many chests I can. I don’t save them.

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