It’s really a personal preference. Alchemist is the more universal troop and will work better in more situations. However since I’m using my team mostly for Explore, I prefer Mercy for the potential first turn transform.
Right now I’m running Templar / Valk / Mercy / Rowanne.
My Rowanne nuke team is Gorgotha / Valkyrie / Rowanne / Templar. But it’s been mothballed lately. For as much as I used to run Gorgotha, I almost never do it anymore… I need to dust off the team and give it another go.
I’m really touched Thanks so much for the compliment
Let me know if there’s any topics you’d like covered and I’ll see if I can put something together along those lines.
Also, while it’s lovely to hear encouraging words, feel free to give constructive criticism or suggestions for improvements. I won’t take them as an insult, I’ll take them as an opportunity to improve.