Most Terrifying Deck (Screenshots + Explanations)

You didn’t necro the thread, you have to be the one to post after no one has posted for months to be guilty of thread necromancy. I beat you to it 4 hrs ago lol

[quote=“Kurokazna, post:40, topic:6198, full:true”]
Mythic. 20. All traits.[/quote]

All Mythic, Max Level, and All traits? That definitely sounds like a challenge.
I’m guessing top 20 guilds too, which probably means lots of kingdom & guild bonuses.


Nothing with Death is really that scary anymore once you have a fully-traited Humility…

This team flat out sucks to face. :rage:

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I switched my defend team to it for now…

Zoo Keeper is a member of Intrim II (Rank 23), the sister guild to rank Intrim (Rank 6) and ranks in the top five players regularly. Can confirm all guild bonuses. All kingdoms level ten and at least five stars. This is as end-game as you get.

Putting aside the debate about necroing in general, What you’re doing is replying to a post I wrote a long time ago, and may not be relevant anymore due to changes in the game (the best summoners in your list were not present when I wrote my previous reply).

Besides, if I also happened to take 2-3 months to reply, we’d have a conversation at the rate of 4 posts a year (2 of each). it’s hard to keep track of what we were even talking about.

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[quote=“yonizaf, post:47, topic:6198, full:true”]
it’s hard to keep track of what we were even talking about.[/quote]

Read the OP, look over your responses and anyone that responded to you to which you replied. Its not that hard, some people have responded to comments I made on youtube that were 3+ yrs old and it didn’t take me long to remember the topic.

i vote on this one for now
althought somehow my ds deck doesnt suffer too much from it but im hearing everyone around complaining about it

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:grin: You’re welcome for Orion Courage BD Courage! I might not be the first or only one using it, but I am one of them…

On the bright side, it’s going to be over fast. And it doesn’t win all the time, so I get plenty of revenge opportunities.

Current deck now:
Crimson Bat (Legend)
Shadow Dragon (Legend)
Summer Imp (Legend)
Psion (Legend)
All lv19, sadly no traits unlocked (wish acquiring traitstones were easier)

Shahbanu Vespera
The Emperor
Winter Imp
Doomed Hammer
Lion Banner
Players who truly understand the game will understand how to use it.
Doing 1000+ damage if needed

Holy necro…5 years…