"Match Masters" Recruitment (Rank 1)

@Serale Are we going to attempt to replace some of our members soon who are under performing? As in kicked out of Match Masters and put into Rainmaker. :wink: Productivity in the guild has been a bit low with several members.

Please post that kind of stuff in our Facebook group, this topics are interest of none here, and everyone there. ^-^

@MaHo Hi! We have one spot right now. 24h from now if you havent report I would move to next one on the list! :stuck_out_tongue: Please reply here with your invite code when you have already left your current guild! ^^ Have a good day.

Tick tick tick…


Hi Serale,

Invite code = MAHO

Just left our guild.

Done. Please check the guild chat to get the URL for our Facebook group. ^^

Updated information 02/21/2016

We have recently moved away from the “Waiting List System” which means the best players can join us as our spots become available.

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Please invite me
LV: 365
I can donate 200k+ Gold and 150+ Trophies every week.
Let me know before left my old guild. Thanks.

Ill have you on mind good Sir. I usually extend the invitation 24h before the spot becomes available, be sure to check the forums some what frecuent.

I see you have a spot free I would like to try for. Doing 2-300k gold a week for current guild plus 150+ trophies, Level 385. Will check back every hour to see if open.

I’m sorry but this spot is already taken, I would be more than happy to have you on the list of people willing to join us. If it’s your wish aswell, please send me a PM so we can be more “in touch” for when your time to join us comes.

We are still looking for our future guild members!

Right now we don’t have anyone on the waiting list who can make +250 trophies a week, so if you are one player who can, you will be getting in first! :smiley:

Send me a PM here if you are interested or well on channel #18 which is the channel I use everytime I’m online (in the game), you can find me there.

Please list me in waiting list again
LV: 435

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We are looking for a brand new member. Please send me a PM or post here your weekly trophy gaining and gold contributions.

We are looking for people who can match our avarage numbers.

Trong was previously in Tigerclaw. The guy is basically a mini Jainus.

Basically, deny him and send him back my way, his contributions were ridiculous! :wink:

Sorry, I keep kinda “stealing” people from you. :frowning: But they are the ones who come to me!


We are still looking for people! Post here or send me a PM! You can also find me on the channel 18 in-game.

People use the chat channels? lol xD

We are 30/30 again but we are still looking for the most active players! Be sure to send me a PM so I can have you on mind!

I hope so. :smiley: