Make mythics available for [x]...maybe souls?

Oh, the irony.

A conversation between myself and Ivar, August 16th, 2016. Talk about prophetic…

[quote=“Ivar, post:66, topic:11469, full:true”]
Your opinion falls under the logic that just because a few people think there is something wrong about Manticore they are wrong? Just because they are few and because we can’t check all the rest? I really want to be sure on your point of view on this one…[/quote]

No, my assertion is that the number of people that think something is “wrong” is small. That’s all.

I’m not suggesting they’re wrong - I’m not an end-game player so I have no idea what their game is like. What I do know is that, at level 555, my game experience appears to be RADICALLY different from theirs and since we’ve been told by the devs that the number of level 1000 players is around 100 (probably more now) logic suggests that their game experience is dictated not by individual OP troops but by something endemic to the end game itself.

Nope. I never said their input is less valuable, to me or to anybody else. I merely suggested that their feedback is not MORE valuable than anybody else’s, which a few here seem to think is the case.

This game has a level cap. The fact that it is referred to as the “end game” is obviously self-explanatory. The game has an END. There’s no way to get around that. Even with an influx of new elements, EVERYBODY quits a game eventually and moves on. Catering to a small number of end-gamers in an effort to keep them happy is delaying the inevitable. If the byproduct of catering to them disenfranchises newer players, the company goes out of business. Churn is a necessary contingency in this business. Get used to it.

[quote=“Ivar, post:66, topic:11469, full:true”]Now, i’m not saying that THERE AREN’T PROBLEMS in the lower/mid-levels of play, or that improving existing troops wouldn’t help all ranges of gameplay, (not the topic but well) but i can hardly see something not being done about Manticore since as it was exposed the troop is too damn good as it is.

Except that it wasn’t exposed as “too damn good”. Sirrian said quite matter of factly that it APPEARS to be overpowered but it’s certainly not obviously so. In fact, the question of what to do with him is still unknown because the data isn’t definitive.