I conducted a scientific study on the state of current endgame meta

Your opinion falls under the logic that just because a few people think there is something wrong about Manticore they are wrong? Just because they are few and because we can’t check all the rest? I really want to be sure on your point of view on this one…

I need you to answer my first questions before i can elaborate the answer for this. Because if the problem is that the feedback of End-gamers is less valuable to you, or the developers at all, in order to make a move to change things, it puts the game in a state where people are doomed to lose their interest in the game because at higher levels things become more and more stale/boring.
And if that’s the case THERE IS A PROBLEM, no matter how you want to look at it, it’s simple!

Now, i’m not saying that THERE AREN’T PROBLEMS in the lower/mid-levels of play, or that improving existing troops wouldn’t help all ranges of gameplay, (not the topic but well) but i can hardly see something not being done about Manticore since as it was exposed the troop is too damn good as it is.

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