Major problem in the Tower of Doom

Any perceived grudge is a figment of your imagination. I wasn’t talking about doom in particular when I said “events” with regard to capped buy in. I was speaking in more general terms as I thought you may have ascertained by my reference to power orbs, which of course do not feature in the doom rewards structure. I have explained my approach to doom…all rewards minimum expense. After the final reward I will use my remaining sigils only because there is no point in buying more simply to get more copies of a doom troop I will hardly ever use. If people want to scheme elaborate ways of exploiting the game for a leaderboard position that’s their look out. Of course it’s down to the devs to remove such unfair game play and they could do so by simply checking guild membership throughout the course of doom and how many different players contributed to the final tally overall. But it’s not something I particularly care about; I just don’t like the pointed accusatory finger that gets waved about every time things get competitive. That’s distasteful and disrespectful of the general playerbase. No need.

Not in the post i quoted at least, but i’ll leave it at that… I prefer to have these breaches patched despite whatever shenanigans the “elite” enjoys taking part with poison-dripping backhanded kisses they give each other in these threads.

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I agree; explotative gameplay has no place in any game type. The fact that the devs repeatedly seem to leave the door wide open to such manoeuvres is something they should address and remedy urgently. Stricter controls and algorithms are required to eradicate exploit opportunities. In addition, the mess of wars due to dead guilds is horrendous. 25k to build a guild exacerbates this problem. The cost should be 25 million perhaps. This may discourage ill conceived new guild creation and the mayhem that this brings to the game mode. What is needed is a break in event and troop bombardment so that the fundamental issues that plague the game can be dealt with. More and more players are becoming dissatisfied with the current state of play and will continue to vote with their feet.