Obviously there’s always gonna be the most powerful alliance, can’t stop that
But give a reward to the 4 smaller alliances
You’ve gotta have an incentive to be in the 4 weaker alliances Devs.
I have no clue, what to give, but it can’t be a easy to get resource.
So how about , each losing day , the 4 losing alliances get 20 dragonite, so 5 days losses equals 100 dragonite
Which is same as a free run in dungeon
This gives people a choice of certain wins and gold marks, or losses and dragonite.
Just a thought, don’t crucify me, there’s gotta be something to make people stay in the low alliances.
Dragonites as rewards?
How about equalizing alliances? Bonus gold marks to everyone. Five days and different alliances receive these bonus gold marks on different days
Although it will ruin monetization
They made it pay to win, and now you’re suggesting they reward the “losers”. So, they’d give something special to those who DON’T pay them to get special rewards.
I get where you’re coming from, but I really doubt they’ll be receptive to the idea.
Oh, I agree. They made a really badly designed system. And the beta team apparently warned them and they rolled it out anyway.
If I can make a suggestion, the devs are more likely to pay attention if you point out that they’ll lose money because of their bad design, so you’d be better off rephrasing it like this:
Step 1: players realise purple wins every day, and move to purple
Step 2: purple has so many players that they win every day without buying sigils
Step 3: most players stop buying sigils
Step 4: GoW income is reduced.
^ This is definitely the likely outcome of the current issues. If they fix it fast enough, they can head that off, but the later they leave it the harder it’d be to fix.
Yeah, and that sucks, because what’s the point in the system if everyone just ends up on one team with nothing to do?
Hopefully they find a way to boost alliances with less players, or those without citadels, to make it matter less to have less players, but I doubt they’ll give rewards out to tempt players into other alliances. Especially since they’ve already put big penalties in the system, for changing your alliance. First step needs to be having some system that allows players to change alliance without penalty, even if it’s only for limited periods of time. Like one day a month or something. Because otherwise, nobody will want to leave the winning alliance, ever.
and it would be necessary to remove the penalty for changing the alliance. but so that you can’t change it too often (once a month/once a week, for example)