Less matches per event, please 🙏

I do agree that the (Daily) stuff is getting out of hand, and if they keep expanding the game, it’s just going to get worse. Now, as someone pointed out, you don’t need to do everything, but I counter with two points:

  1. They wouldn’t put daily things in a game of they didn’t expect you to do it every day. Especially, stuff that “resets” everyday

  2. Also, “need” is subjective.

Now, the first point is pretty self-explanatory on its own, so I won’t go into more detail on that one, but I feel the second point needs to be analyzed further:

Now, most people playing this game would agree that if you want to grow at a good pace, a top/very active guild is the way to go. Well, with that comes requirements. So, from a general game perspective, you may not “need” to do things like Raids or Invasions, but if it’s a requirement of that Guild, you are going to need to do it to stay and reap the benefits, that’s just fact.

Also, let’s take a look at another mode: Dungeons. Unless you never ever plan on crafting a troop, it’s a necessity to play, at some point. Sure, you could try your luck at the RNG system and hope it smiiles upon you every time, and you might get every Mythic, quick as lightening. But, odds are, that’s not going to happen. Odds are you’ll be missing a few awesome troops when you need them, if you don’t craft/do Dungeons. So, to ignore that mode/push it aside as something you don’t “need” to do (at almost any stage of this game), isn’t smart, at best. Heck, I’ve been playing almost 2 years and I still missing a few Mythics and would be missing way more if I didn’t do Dungeons.

Next, Delves. Let’s face it, they are a necessity, in the grand scheme of things too. For one, they are a way to get Chaos Shards which give you troops only found in the Underworld and those can help with Kingdom Power. More importantly, you can get rarer Ingots for weapons, which are now required to up that same Kingdom Power. And, if you’re looking to increase that for a place like the Sin kingdom, you’re looking at a lot of Legendary Ingots, as that is the only rarity you can upgrade right now. And we all know how often those Epic (Heck, even Ultra Rare) or better Ingots drop in PvP (pfft). So, if you want to not take forever in your progress, you need to do this Underworld stuff too.

Even Daily Tasks are almost a necessity now with almost everything in the game wanting Gems and with the Devs having such a choke hold om how many you can get from other places, like tasks. And, lets face it, unless you’re in the first couple brackets for GW, you aren’t getting hardly any Gems from there either and you need a ton, overall.

Now, with all this said, do you need to do all this stuff every day? I guess not. Then, again, no one “needs” to play this game at all. But, if you choose to do so, lets not kid ourselves and pretend all of this stuff is purely optional. At least not if you want grow and evolve at something faster than a snail’s pace, without putting in tons of real world money. These games are design to make you play daily, because, if you don’t: you miss out, fall behind, etc.

In short, as I said at the start of this, they wouldn’t put all this in the game if they didn’t want you to do it. And while it may not be a “need” to do everything, every day, common senses says: the more you do, the more stuff you get and the better/strong player you will become. Its just up to you (and them, to a point), how fast/quick you grow.


This is a bullshit response and tantamount to spam. If the only thing you have to say is “I think you have a mental illness and need to be medicated” then perhaps you need a better outlet for your free time.

It doesn’t even present a better argument, and you’re already resting on, “Well I think if you don’t have enough free time to play this game you should quit complaining”, which is also not an actual argument.

GoW is, and until recently has been, a fast game. “A game” of GoW can be finished in less than a minute. So it stands to reason the majority of its players are people that like games finishing in less than a minute. There are people who have always wanted slower, strategic play, but ideally what everyone wants is for both people to be able to play the way they want without feeling shorted because they don’t play the other way.

That’s not Delve. It is a new, reliable source of legendary/mythic ingots (as compared to PvP, where they are extraordinarily rare and you cannot increase your odds.) So if a player is interested in progressing, they have to Delve. If they like fast play, they aren’t going to be happy about this. I, personally, would be happier with having to finish 25 games to get the same rewards if it took the same time it’s taking me to finish 8. Same effort, same reward, what’s the problem?

What you are arguing for is ‘Gems has to pick the way I like and I want you to feel harassed, ashamed, and ridiculed if you don’t agree’. Pick a better second part of that sentiment.


I think the devs intention is to provide variable options for our experience. For newish players they usually can’t play everything because some battles/challenge outrank them greatly, and for us Endgamers that can finish everything everyday, given the time, the devs assume we are in a position to choose what we want to do.

Because we don’t need to push too hard in some aspects like Traitstone farming or modes with minor returns like Treasure Hunt.

Yes, some guilds and players will still push for some stuff like PVP for trophies and gold for many legendary tasks, but given how much people keep pushing into this the devs are not to blame if they design a new feature that takes half an hour to complete and the player complains about reducing, again, his four hours of PVP grind for it…

It’s a matter of priorities and consideration. To some people they would be in pure bliss if we had GW every single week of the year despite the other events. Do they really enjoy the feature or they just want a better return in gems for the time they spend playing? Yes for both cases in mixed amounts. But there are still people who wouldn’t enjoy it for lack of time.

@ONOPALAVER, you lost players in the past due the pressure from GW every week if i correctly recall. I think the Delves are still too new and the devs can probably consider some changes to the feature, but if they simply cut the number of battles without proper adjustments to the possible rewards EVERYONE will be at loss.

If your guild have requirements i think it’s time to talk with them and consider reducing these requirements to what could be reasonable for everyone who can’t play as much. I’m sure others with some extra time to spare will keep doing their best. The fact is that everyone needs to accomodate the Delves into their schedules, it’s the mainly way to acquire most of the newest troops and increase Kingdom Power for the upcoming year or so.


I have not lost players due to having Weekly Wars. :thinking:

And if games are reduced, the bonuses and rewards can be accommodated in fewer games equally, there is no reason to have fewer rewards for making fewer rooms or combats they can be easy to adjust them. As you say proper adjustment.

I repeat, the idea is to reduce some event in your number of battles at least. For example Raid Boss, we dont need to fight with the Boss’s minions, we could go directly for him to do damage. It would be easier to finish and less time too. It is a simple example, there are many possibilities.

Maybe i just mixed up the forum users.

But anyway, with a proper adjustment of rewards i can agree with a reduction of daily activities. If we could keep the Delve scrolls from each day it would be less time consuming for working days leaving the players with the option to use them all during weekends.

But i think this whole design is intended, with more activities, which can’t be ignored for the sake of progression, we’ll see a reduction of PVP grind which started when Ingots and Pet gnomes were introduced “forcing” every player to do PVP above everything else and causing a rise in Gold generation and Legendary Tasks across all plataforms.

I think the idea that the game needs less things to do, sounds like an argument to kill the game.

More activities means more fun to be had. Less activities means less fun and more repetition.

Devs can’t win. Too much to do, people complain. Too little to do, people complain.

In real life there are a million things a person can do everyday… Do you ever complain that there are too many things “a person could do in a day”, or do you pick the things you like/enjoy and do more of them?

I love that I have goals to complete each day. Rather than grind gold endlessly, or do arena runs…

Once upon a time (six-seven months back), we had explore, pvp, arena, and guild wars, and that was it.

Now we have fun and rewarding activities, and people want less of them because they can’t, won’t, or don’t have the time to do it all.

There are a lot of things in real life I don’t have time for, and I prioritize what makes me happy, or makes me feel good, whenever I can. I don’t begrudge others for having more free time to do stuff I don’t have time or interest in doing…

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Who is taking about real life? Maybe you lost in the words. Real life has nothing to be here. I´m talking about game and time in game experience.

The post is a feedback maybe you don´t notice it. People play the game before the events and sure they will play without them also.

I repeat because I see some people don’t read all, it`s not my cause, I do all and more without problem.
If someone wants more matches is easy made a new post with this feedback

“Gems has always been” is not a valid argument. It used to be fun for me. Now it isn’t. So I live in the now.

If somebody can’t choose between real life or a long event in the game that is a problem in them, not the game. The game isn’t going to be changed to benefit somebody with less time. It will continue to expand with cash shop upon cash shop, “modern” graphics and UI, and become something that is completely different than what it was.

That is clearly the direction they are going with it. Point blank, period. Anybody who doesn’t like it can screw right off. They have made that message clear.

I’m just here to make pay to win jokes and keep up with the latest nerfs. :wink:

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But… how much have you paid for that? :thinking:

400 bucks back when this game was worth supporting, and monthly for my ISP, which unlike this game, is worth paying for.


But what if you like more than one game? Should all games be limited to an hour a day of content? What about single player games?

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Make a guild with your preferred rules?

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We need week long events. My only complaint if you cant play a day you miss rewards. I mean dungeons, class event, pet event, and soon faction event.

We have that at reset every Monday, a week long event. Long events means more static events for people that play everyday… More individual events means people can log in, do an event or pass on it, and move on.

I think people need to let go of the idea that doing everything is important. Do what you can with the time you have, and have fun. Don’t worry if others have more because they play more, that’s how all games work. :wink:


Ok didn’t see this topic when it was first posted, but oh man do I agree.

I’m at a point where I groan when a Valraven appears and hope he buggers off.

The rewards you receive from the time expected to be put into events is ridiculous, Orb of Growth I’m looking at you.

But it is the energy system that gates delves and the underworld troops that really are a blow. These must be done daily unless you fall behind in:

  • Shards collecting for troops and treasures
  • Increasing reknown
  • increasing delve level
  • Increasing kingdom level

Now shards being another currency, gated behind the scrolls, is a bloody dumb idea. Why? Because as underworld factions increase we still only have 3 delves per day, I still haven’t even delved in sea of sorrows because of this idiotic systems that forces people to play everyday for up to 30battles.

It is this that is why people feel pressured they are forced to play too many battles a day because you cannot bank them and must fit them in around all the other less needed game modes.


Do you know that you can go straight to the boss room and with hoard quality 10 you will receive 5-6 chest level compared to 7-10 if you complete all rooms? It’s 2.5-3 times fewer battles with almost the same rewards.
We are definitely not forced to play 27 battles a day in delves.


Yeah that why I wrote ‘up to’…
