Just Started and needing advice

This video of @Tacet’s might be helpful if you haven’t seen it already:

Thanks, Ozball, for responding. This video might be from an earlier version of the game or a different platform than the mobile tablet because the Warlord Training segment isn’t included. I tried using the same team I used for defeating Sheggra, but they are defeated time after time. It’s the first kingdom of the game, for goodness sakes, so I shouldn’t be having so much trouble with it, lol.

I will continue to work on the other kingdoms and challenges. Perhaps in time I’ll complete this questline. . .

Actually I apparently linked the wrong video, because I didn’t read the description well enough…

This is the one you want. Also these videos were done on Steam/Mobile version and post 2.0 Patch so are very recent.

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Yes, this is the one I want. Also for the PvP as I thought I’d actually have to invite a player or request a player then wait for him or her to accept and be online. This looks more like a player simulation, which is better.

Now to try out a new team for that warrior class. :smile: