Is fire beetle bugged?

I have spent over 250,000 , glory over 5000 gems, 50,000 glory keys and a vast amount of gem keys since it’s release… I have gotten many legendary troops, tons of epics and at least 5 or 6 mythics… And not a single fire beetle… Anyone have any insight on what may be happening?

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The drop rate for any epic in glory chests is 3.69%, if you consider a specific one is way lower.

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I just think it’s odd. Multiple epics, legendaries and mythics before 1epic… It’s insane… And there were new cards, not copies.

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You better wait till broken spire is weekly kingdom and save your other keys for monthly new mythic.

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It’s bad luck, maybe even “really bad” luck, but it’s still within the realm of possibility. There are close to 400 base rarity Epic troops in the game; it’s true that many of them aren’t available in Gem chests and Glory chests, but enough of them are that the odds of pulling any one particular Epic base rarity troop is probably something like 0.01% per attempt or ~1-in-10,000.

So the odds that you’ll get the Fire Beetle on any given pull isn’t very good, even if you open 200 chests at a time. The odds that you’ll spend as much as you have professed to spend without getting a Fire Beetle isn’t very good, but it’s also not “zero”. It’s just one of those things that happens every so often.