Invite Codes now enabled for profiles!

You can now add your Gems of War invite code to your forum profile. If you want to make your deets publicly available, simply go into your preferences and add it.

If you’d like any other fields added, feel free to shout em out!


Yes! :smiley:
Thank you, CrowdedWorlds!

EDITED: Maybe real time GoW account status? :smile:

So what does having the invite code on my profile do, exactly?

In itself, absolutely nothing! But it’s information that I know everyone exchanges, and it useful for us to know in case we wanna give you things for being amaaaaaaaaaaazing :slight_smile:


I put it in. Let’s see what happens. :sweat_smile:

One day perhaps, it would be lovely to have!

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Good thing I already use the same name for everything :smiley:

That will be very convenient for guild recruiting.

I am amaaaaziiing !! LOL