Heart of Rage

I’m not the type of person to spend 12h a day grinding out Vault Keys. This Vault weekend, I didn’t even get the first pity key. I play GoW semi-casually (although usually daily).

Yet somehow I have 3 of these guys. I think I got them pretty soon after release, although I don’t remember if it was post drop buff or not.



I think the definition of lootboxing is different all around the world. I’d say this game is all about lootboxing while I read someone official here (maybe two years ago or so) trying to explain why this game has no lootboxing at all.
It was a poor attempt, but… what can we do? We all could stop playing or live with it.
Where I’m absolutely shure is that in European Union they have to disclose droprates. Didn’t know (didn’t think about) there are parts in the game where droprates are hidden (they used to be hidden but they where patched in - for reasons I think).
But if there’s no claimant… there’s no judge.