Heart of Rage

no, there won’t be a troop like Enraged Kurandara after every campaign

Likewise, I am not opening a single vault until it’s confirmed BY A SCREENSHOT that it is indeed available. Took 60+ keys to get a daemon gnome. I’m not even going to try to get TWO hearts of rage until I know I actually have a chance to get it.


ok that is a good news

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I’m just waiting for “No, there’s no new TROOP that costs 8 power orbs…but here’s a new WEAPON that costs 8 power orbs…”


@Kafka Are you sure Heart of Rage is in the drop pool?

Opened another 57 Vault Keys for a total of 174 Vault Keys with no Heart of Rage. So either the Team doesn’t want the players to ever craft Enraged Kurandara or something is amiss. If that’s the case, I’d like my Vault Keys and rewards rolled back. I don’t want the stuff from the VKs.

The other 57 Vault Keys
  1. 60 Diamonds
  2. 18 Event Keys
  3. Valraven
  4. Pet Gnome
  5. Treasure Gnome
  6. 60 diamonds
  7. 72,000 gold
  8. Major Orb of Chaos: Growth
  9. Major Orb of Chaos: Clans
  10. Cedric Sparklesack
  11. Valraven
  12. 3,000 souls
  13. Orb of Chaos: Ascension
  14. Orb of Chaos: Growth
  15. Glory Gnome
  16. Cedric Sparklesack
  17. Daemon Gnome
  18. Major Orb of Chaos: Wisdom
  19. Soul Gnome
  20. Major Orb of Chaos: Wisdom
  21. Orb of Chaos: Clans
  22. Cedric Sparklesack
  23. 24 Gem Keys
  24. 72,000 gold
  25. Orb of Chaos: Wisdom
  26. Mecha Gnome
  27. Orb of Chaos: Clans
  28. 72,000 gold
  29. Valraven
  30. Orb of Chaos: Growth
  31. 72,000 gold
  32. 24 Gem Keys
  33. 72,000 gold
  34. 24 Gem Keys
  35. 60 Diamonds
  36. Major Orb of Chaos: Clans
  37. 72,000 gold
  38. 72,000 gold
  39. Orb of Chaos: Clans
  40. Orb of Chaos: Ascension
  41. Orb of Chaos: Wisdom
  42. Cedric Sparklesack
  43. Cedric Sparklesack
  44. 72,000 gold
  45. Major Orb of Chaos: Clans
  46. Cedric Sparklesack
  47. Valraven
  48. 60 Diamonds
  49. 18 Event Keys
  50. Orb of Chaos: Wisdom
  51. Daemon Gnome
  52. Major Orb of Chaos: Growth
  53. 72,000 gold
  54. 3,000 souls
  55. Cedric Sparklesack
  56. 24 Gem Keys
  57. Orb of Chaos: Wisdom

Damn, I hope it’s not like 0.5% or even 0.1%.

Assuming the thing is in the pool and this is not yet another miscommunication…

The low drop rate is probably the “solution” to people complaining about diluting the Cedric drop rate.

For new players, getting a Cedric is really important. Cutting that small % chance in half just because Cedric and Heart of Rage are both legendary would be pretty devastating, especially since said player would be so far from even wanting E. Kurandara, let alone crafting it, that having the HoR craft-component instead of the Moneybags would be really disappointing.

A better solution (meaning an actual solution), imo, would be to Guild-Guardian the Vault: no more Cedrics drop if you have 4 copies at mythic. Suddenly the .0001% chance of HoR is 100% for people who don’t care about pulling additional Cedrics, and because no other drop rates were changed new players still have a way higher chance of getting the Cedric they want. Easy. Elegant.

Bonus points if this is applied to all Vault drops. That’ll never happen because tHe eCOnoMy, ThO, but an orc can dream.

And if the worry about this is “once troops are removed from the pool, the other rewards drop too frequently” (wouldn’t want players getting 300 gems instead of a worthless Cedric too often, now, would we?), then all that needs to happen to prevent that is one additional “IF all troops of a given rarity are 4x Mythic, THEN revert to previous behavior (that we have now; ie: you’ll be getting Cedrics instead of HoR or gems again, after getting 4x Mythic HoRs and any other additional troop-craftable which may-or-may-not (I’m betting MAY) be added to the game in the future)”


YES PLEASE :slight_smile:

That would be so awesome. It won’t happen, but it would be awesome if it did.


Then it shouldn’t be a Legendary rarity troop.

There’s absolutely no reason why all troops in the vault are Common rarity or Legendary rarity.
But because they are. I the player SHOULD have just as much chances of getting a Treasure Gnome as I do a Pet Gnome. Or on this case Heart of Rage and Cedric… Even though Heart of Rage being in the vault is fake news at this point.

My apologies to the new players who have to play the same way I did without the Cedric gold boost.

I don’t know the exact drop rates of the heart, but when I read Kafka post that the heart’s drop rate was “very rare”, my mind immediately jumped to 0.1 - 0.2% as the drop rate.

I would be shocked if the drop rate was anywhere near 1%. The devs know how many vault keys players can farm in top-end guilds during Vault events. They aren’t going to let those players easily (or even moderately painfully) bypass Elite Passes and farm the heart with somewhat relative ease.

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Just to add to the above:
50 keys yesterday after event reset, 4 Cedrics, no Heart of Rage
I really hope someone finds one and can confirm. Feels better to be beaten by bad luck than to have wasted resources without any chance.


You know who’s not going to want to farm 1000 vault keys to craft Enraged Kurandara or obtain a spare copy of a Heart of Rage to obtain a full collection?

People who are paying big money for Orbs of Powers on the leaderboard. Great way to ruin any motivation to get Enraged Kurandara, if the other part is unreasonable to get.

What’s the goal for setting it that rare?

There’s only so many Flash Offers you can buy for Vault Keys. In this case, you can buy years worth of Flash Offers and still get nowhere.

To make sure people buy the Elite Pass?
Campaign 1 is already over, now what? This situation even effects the people that bought the Elite Pass, considering you lose your first copy to make Enraged Kurandara. So the only people that own Heart of Rage are people that won’t go for Enraged Kurandara now, defeating the purpose of encouraging more leaderboard participation.

To farm Vault keys during the Vault Event?
There’s plenty of people that are happy when they find 10-15 Vault Keys in a Vault event. Do you want to tell them that in a year, they still might not find the Heart of Rage?

Pushing everyone to farm 40-50 Vault Keys each event and still not pull it is going to break people, without a doubt. That’s heavy levels of unhealthy gameplay and a large portion of the gameplay audience won’t stomach it. Just look at how many people farm Medals as is. Its already a very small crowd.

Do you know what ruins a good thing? When a good thing is overdone to an extreme. Is the goal to make people want to hate a good event? I’m basically already at that point with Epic Vault Keys and the Vault event.

You know what else is bad in forcing people to farm Vault Keys? Everything found in a Vault Key is now dumped into the economy with people now sitting on way more gold, orbs, keys, diamonds and more, especially if they’re not opening Vault Keys for those reasons. Sooner or later, everyone else is going to get punished for that during yet another economy adjustment; this being entirely done by their game design.

So, this is not a good thing at all.


My friend without a forum account wanted me to add his (lack) of findings.

"okay, that’s 80 vaults, which is all my keys

VKs: 0
EVKs: 0
Hearts of Rage: 0"

Feels like someone should have accidentally found it by now.


Let’s see what the next campaign has in rewards. If it’s one per campaign… :slight_smile: And if not, watch for flash offers.

116 Vault Keys used here. Nada.

I’ve double checked with the team and Heart of Rage is definitely available in the Vault. He is just incredibly rare.

I’ve asked the team to consider increasing his drop rate based on player feedback.


Quickly popping in with another update, we are looking at some solutions to a few of the issues mentioned in this thread.

Stay tuned.


Now I know how atheists feel when I tell them I believe in God.
Thanks devs for the education.

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They were/are more rare than EVK.

(Keep in mind the EVK has a mythic border around it to indicate it’s Rarity to those who don’t frequent the forums. Because Rarities are supposed to matter like that.)


I’ve used over 360 (I think 366ish?) Vault Keys since the inception of Epic Vault Keys and farmed 2 50+ hour weekends still with no Epic Vault Keys.

Congrats (most importantly)! but sometimes, this game really sucks.