Guild Recruitment: BLaCkGoLD

@IRIASU invited.
@SDOHERTY14 you are in other clan…

Thanks Jorduck. I can’t get on right now with my phone because I’m “low on storage” and it keeps spinning…

Don’t worry. ;D

Looking for a good guild. One i’m in now has 30 people but only 4-5 actually active daily players. Can contribute about 250+ trophies per week. and 20k+ gold while i’m still maxing out my kingdoms. Lvl 87.

Let me know so I can drop guild for an invite

Hello!I would like to join your guild,level 75,can get 150 trohpies and 50k gold every week as donation.SARGERAS is my invite code.Thank you for your time.

Leave your guild and post here. And i invite to you.

We have inactive in the clan in few days. If you like, wait, please. ;D

Still dont have a guild,so i wait then.
Edit:Already found a guild,thank you.

Ok. Invite. - CT LEGACY

How active is your guild in terms of donations?The one i joined seems extremely inactive,around 10 people are not even playing daily.:frowning:

Invited, Legacy.

The guild is active. I cant say exactly how, but is active. :wink:

Definitely pretty active. Usually get at least keys and gems every day, although haven’t been keeping track of how much.

And there’s one spot open! Minimum level 50!

i would like to join, my invite is MADDI.

Okay, give me a few to get on with my phone… hopefully.

Turns out we’re full up… must have happened overnight… sorry about that. I’ll keep you in mind when a spot opens up.

Tell us your level. :slight_smile:

He posted in another thread, he’s 70.

Invirte Code is: XGAME95_ETG5

Id love to join your Guild, i’m very active, currently level 68, leveling very fast, will be contributing much gold and a lot of trophies too :slight_smile:
would be great if you could answer me

Edit: Level 70 now
Edit #2: Level 71

Sorry, we’re full up at the moment, but can keep your name on a waiting list.