Guild recruitment: Aes Sedai

Invite sent. Welcome to Aes Sedai! :smile:

Currently we have one new open spot… :slight_smile:

400lvl active player

Invite sent. Welcome to Aes Sedai! :smiley:

We currently have one spot available. Post your invite code if your interested!

No minimum requirements regarding trophy or gold contribution, but semi-regular gold contributions are encouraged. It doesn’t have to be much, just contribute what you can.The only requirement is ACTIVITY. 7 days inactivity is a rank demotion, 14 days of inactivity means removal from the guild…

100% guild bonus (Champion Level guild). Currently Aes Sedai is the #17 guild in the league, with over 78,000 trophies. All masteries +44/+45

Daily completions of key and gems quests.

Post your invite code and come join us!

Hello, I’d like to join. Invite code is STINT.

Invite sent. Welcome to Aes Sedai. :smiley:

Greetings :slight_smile:
lvl 169 here, doing 100+ trophies and can easily spare 20k+ gold per week (or even 40k+, depends on my luck).
I’d like to join your guild.
Invite code: VOO.DOO

No spots available at the moment. Keep any eye out for the next vacancy.:relaxed:

@bezzhabernik we have a spot available in Aes Sedai now. Let us know asap if you are still interested.

We currently have one spot available. Post your invite code if your interested!

100% guild bonus (Champion Level guild). Currently Aes Sedai is the #17 guild in the league, with over 78,000 trophies. All masteries +47/+48

Daily completions of key and gems quests.

Post your invite code and come join us!

We currently have two spots available. Post your invite code if your interested!

100% guild bonus (Champion Level guild). Currently Aes Sedai is the #17 guild in the league, with over 78,000 trophies. All masteries +47/+48

Daily completions of key and gems quests.

Post your invite code and come join us!

I am interested in joining you, active player, lvl 90, donate daily a little bit and play arena a lot. Invite code KHARYBDYS.
Btw, love the books, agree with whoever said there is enough red Aes Sedai on the world already.

Invite sent. Welcome to Aes Sedai. :smiley:

One more open spot remaining…

Vocaleyzz only lvl 71 but active and it seems you have room

Invite sent. Welcome to Aes Sedai! :smiley:

We currently have spots available. Post your invite code if your interested!

100% guild bonus (Champion Level guild). Currently Aes Sedai is the #18 guild in the league, with over 85,000 trophies. All masteries +47

Daily completions of key and gems quests.

Post your invite code and come join us!

“Derrick 7” level 101… Very active.

@derrick7 invite sent. Welcome to Aes Sedai,

Hello. very active player lvl 107 would like to join your guild.
Invite code GERION_1.
Thanks in advance :slight_smile: