Good defense teams?

Youve already removed Valkyrie and decimated our Khorvash/Valkyrie/Bat/Venoxia team :sob:

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Right now, I’ve left Valk and set her in front of Bat and Anubite Warrior.

I don’t use Valkryie, so I didn’t think of that. My two favorite true damage builds are Gorgotha, Crimson Bat, Soothsayer, Spirit Fox and EK, Amira, Spirit Fox, Manticore. In my EK team, he’s just there to tank a bit while Amira and the Fox decimate the other team.

It will be interesting to see how the next Mythic changes true damage teams (assuming he does it)

I don’t really like to use Manticore for philosophical reasons.

Maybe I’ll try Spirit Fox and Amira with the Crimson Bat.

He does.

So for invades, I’m using:

Khorvash / Valk / Mercy / Bat

For defense, I’m using:

Khorvash / Valk / Bat / Behemoth

I’ve won a couple so far but it still feels somewhat underpowered.

Your defense will go down quickly to anything with Amira in it, but maybe you’re not fighting too many of those teams.

I’m not sure why you’d have Behemoth there. With Behemoth in last slot, he’s only going to be filling up in the rare case that Valk overfills the other two (less likely with AI controlling than you). Plus, if he ever does fill up, he’s just stripping excess armor off the enemy troops that you’re trying to kill with true damage. You might pick up a little bonus mana from his explodes, but that won’t be that significant.

I think @Robert’s suggestion of Venoxia would be better for mana coverage, green/blue creation and a little true damage. Also, as a gem creator, Venoxia doesn’t need the AI to make a good decision, just get lucky, to loop. Finally, with Venoxia’s attack gains, she becomes pretty scary if the opponent kills your troops in order.

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Yeah Venoxia still has some allure because of the mana creation. I’m finding Crimson Bat to be kind of weak honestly, especially once Khorvash is gone. I think I need a split AOE troop, somebody that will do more damage when there’s less enemies left.

Yeah I have some success with venoxia on defense teams.
One of the teams I’m using is venoxia, mab, valk and behemoth.

Is there such thing as a split AOE true damage troop? (because a regular split AOE troop would just be destroying the armor that you’ve been trying to avoid). I think you need to go all-in with true damage if you’re going to do it.

Also, do you have CB traited? Because assuming that EK or CB got at least one cast off before EK died, CB would be doing bonus skull damage on every hit. The life stealing should help CB tank a little bit, but it isn’t a very rugged troop overall.

Psion comes to mind

Psion & Winter Imp

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Cool. We don’t have winter imp on console yet and I haven’t pulled Psion, so that didn’t jump to mind.

Psion might be a good fit then, since the damage would concentrate as the number of troops reduced, plus mana drain is always annoying. Being a 3rd blue troop is either a benefit or a hindrance depending on how you see it.

Blue isn’t an issue when using Valk and Leonis banner. She fills everybody.

Winter imp would be freaking awesome unfortunately he’s the only imp I don’t have!

So the answer to invades is obvious. Rather than try to find backup damage in the event that Khorvash dies, I just put in Sunweaver and buff him so that he can’t die. :slight_smile:

Still tinkering with defense though.

OK, I’ve got a lot of traits to Explore for but here’s my defense team I settled on. Already have a couple of early wins despite missing quite a few traits:

Khorvash ***
Venoxia *
Spirit Fox *
Crimson Bat **

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I’m sticking with this for Invades:

Khorvash ***
Valkyrie ***
Mercy ***
Behemoth ***

No, it doesn’t synergize as well because of the True Damage vs. Regular Damage. However, Behemoth gives a plus to attack which makes Khorvash that much more dangerous. Behemoth’s spell destroys gems which helps feed mana to the other 3. And with Mercy and Valk, I’m feeding his Immense trait, giving him a boat load of life.

I haven’t lost a match yet and that includes a couple of wins over top 10 players.

Another invade team I’m playing with right now.

Khorvash ***
Venoxia *
Siren ***
Priest Hero with Prismatic Orb ***

The Priest hero heals everyone once they’re damaged and Orb buffs armor and generates mana. Both Venoxia and Siren deal damage and generate mana. Venoxia also gains attack on cast, making a good backup if Khorvash dies. It also covers all 6 mana colors. I would consider Moloch in the final slot if I had him.

I’m pretty much back to the drawing board on defense though. I got Spirit Fox fully-traited and it made zero difference, still not winning any matches. Not sure traiting Venoxia and Bat are really going to make that much difference…