Goblageddon (quite scary)

Actually there are other areas to rant about about general balance moans (or start one yourself) this is a goblin themed post (and how to beat them) :smile:

Cool. Cool cool cool. :wink: Then I’m out of this. ++

The new patch went live on the xbox console yesterday. I’ve been having problems in PVP since before the patch, but now it seems I’m getting matched against even more difficult and higher levels than ever before. Thank goodness for the scouting feature now :smile: Anyhow, until now I’ve been using teams with themes, e.g. vampires because I really think that makes games like this, MTG, etc, just that much more fun. Well, that isn’t working anymore sadly :frowning: Long story short, I’m trying a goblin team. I’ve been racking up defense losses at an astounding rate. I am able to take some weak teams down in PVP via the scouting feature.

I know everyone hates goblin teams, but I’m new to the game and I’d like to try it out. Can someone walk me through step by step, the team, order, strategy, etc. that is best?

Keep in mind, this is on the console, and I don’t think we have the rocket guy? Not sure if that is an event troop? In any event, I’m sure someone must know?

Hang on, how are some of you naming your teams, i see nothing to click o.O Thanks.

we choose the team name based on how cool it is.

I dont know how to name the team at all.

On the “Bonuses” tab there is a “Rename Team” button.


Thanks, I’m blind!

After 1.0.8, i defended too many goblin teams. Even though defended successfully but I’m still sick with this team.

I fight goblins with goblins. My team is Boar Rider, Goblin Crusher, Hobgoblin and Goblin Shaman. I realize that not everyone will have Goblin Crusher, but a 30-point hit certainly makes short work of the traited teams, even that maxed out one that Charles has been running. Mind you, I’m speaking of invasion/revenge battles, not defense. However, this team has not and never will be my defense team, and it’s only my invasion team when I have to fight other goblins.

Just as an aside, since people keep mentioning his name here, Charles is actually running a Gloom Leaf/Herdmaster/Sheggra’s Heart/Sheggra team at the moment, not goblins.

Yes - and it’s practically worse than his goblins (omg lol) since his Gloomleaf has full traits +3 armor when defending in pvp, gain 2 life on 4/5 matches and the worst (for us) reduce damage from skulls by 50%. Can be beaten with an early BIG bone dragon etc hit but initial skull matches are pathetic against the 50%

Yes, I saw that, must have changed yesterday, as I ran into his uber-Goblins earlier the same day I think… Maybe he heard the complaints on here :slight_smile: or maybe got bored… and agree with @esslee that traited-up Gloomleaf is a pain!

I am very much starting to dislike traits. Especially that others have them and I do not.
I should have abused that glory key duplication bug…

I noticed this yesterday because he wasn’t using Goblins and I immediately saw Gloom and thought “He’ll have traits on that won’t he - oh great he does, this is going to suck!”

On the other hand, legendaries are predictable. Goblins sort of just run over everything. As long as you manage mana and not let him hit you too many times, he’s beatable.

Very true - once you get past his gloomleaf you’ll likely win :wink:

Unless you have my bad luck :smile:
Lucky cascade powered Herdmaster who powered Sheggra’s Heart, powering Sheggra, who kills the first troop and powered Herdmaster and Heart of Sheggra through cascades. Kills second troop through skull matches then fires up Heart of Sheggra…

Using centaur scout with true shot trait (and dragons in the following 3 slots) enables me to beat him now :smiley:


Nice! But off-topic - can we get back to ranting about Goblins please… I dunno, as if we don’t have rules…

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This is nice and strong combo, using centaur scout. Yes! :slight_smile: