Get Rid of the Pet Rescue Weekly Event

We have people in our guilds that open up pet rescues. To have a pet rescue that lasts the entire day for only one day is just obnoxious. Instead put that time to one of the other three that do need a little more time. I don’t think Bounty or the Class Trial lasts long enough for starters. Either that or run them like you do the Guild events. Have each one run for a week and if not an entire week then longer than 2 days at least. PLEASE. There have been times that I log in and find out that the class event or faction assault are only on for 24 hours and the first 8 hours are already gone. Not to mention work that a lot of have to do on a regular basis. Yes I know there are those that stay on the game ALL DAY because they don’t have a life and that is something that I wish there was a way to control but there isn’t, it’s just part of the crap that has to be dealt with.

I like that Pet Day is kind of a break, but there’s a kernel of truth in this post.

The Pet Rescue is the same event most players finish in less than an hour stretched out over 24 hours. The Class Event is kind of brutal for me to finish in one day, usually I can’t play that many of the matches especially as they scale. It’s weird that the event that asks you to win 50 or more matches gives you the same amount of time as the event that asks you to win 8.

I feel like a better solution might be to allow triggered pets as well as the pet rescue. Effectively—keep the event separate from the world, as faction events (mostly) do. That would allow the break that some people want, without also making a pet-event drought happen once a week.

Or make the event cycle through a few different pets each week—or allow people to choose between 3 to save! This would make it seem less like chump change for many, I think.

I also wonder—have potions been added to these events? I never buy tiers in the shop during pet rescues, but I imagine new players would find these days much more worthwhile if they felt the final prizes were within reach.


There are a lot of people in guilds that don’t trigger many pet rescues and others who miss quite a few of those triggered. Weekly rescues helps those people and because it’s a rotation of pets it offers the chance for those who RNG likes to spit on to acquire all of the available (non-special event) pets.

I personally relish a single day of not getting any rescue notifications.

As for the other events you mentioned being too short, this is intended. The devs are not trying to allow everyone to max everything quickly. For the last 1-2 years nearly every addition to the game was solely to extend the time it takes to max everything and drag out player’s ability to complete everything in the game. They want players taking 2-3 years to “finish” the game because not only does it increase the chance of purchases to speed things up or to “complete a set of something”, it keeps a larger player base active for longer and makes us more invested over the long term (and hence less likely to give up).

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