For those of us that didn't get selected - what was your troop idea

Name: Jack Lumber
Kingdom: Maugrim Woods
Troop Type/lvl: Human (epic)
Colors: Red/Brown (14)
Quote: “A tree killed his Granny…now he’s out for revenge!”

Spell - Wood Splitter:
Remove all green gems. Destroy an equal number of brown gems. Cost: 14 Red/Brown

Wargare Bond (+2 life to Wargare)
Fey Slayer (double skull damage to Fey)
Fire Link (gain bonus red mana from red gem matches)

Jack Lumber is a retired lumberjack who befriended the Wargare inhabiting the Maugrim Woods. He is a master in wood sculpture and totem crafting. The Totem Guardian is a creation of Jack to protect his newfound Wargare family. Jack is a formidable axe wielder and won’t hesitate to use it.
Rumor has it that the Fey in particular fear the former lumberjack, ever since Jack single-handedly managed to cut down a massive Treant in the Forest of Thorns.

Thematically, removing green gems stands for the leaves that are removed from a cut down tree.
Similarly, destroyed brown gems are the wood that Jack collects from any cut down trees.
Jack uses red mana because of his Lumberjack shirt… Just kidding, red stands for fire when he makes a campfire!

Potential Balance Changes:
I am kinda cautious with the design of this troop, because removing 2 colors completely at once can have some interesting chain effects.
If the troop is deemed not very useful, here are 3 ways to buff Jack:

  • Lower mana cost to 12 and replace fire link trait with fast (starts with 50% mana) trait.
  • Add extra turn condition; If 13 or more green gems are removed, gain an extra turn.
  • My favorite, Jack now also summons a Totem Guardian (after gems are removed and destroyed)

I knew no one would vote on a Human only troop, week 1 voting was only about Kingdom and Troop type. A human-only troop doesn’t exactly sounds like the most interesting troop to vote on.
Hopefully you found it entertaining nonetheless. The rules stated it was going to be an Epic Troop so I didn’t want to go with some huge entity (reserved for legendary and above).

Art presented is not my own and is merely used as a concept.