Feedback on 6.4s visual downgrades

perhaps he also liked the random charging stones in the company of goblins - when a scrimmer with an ugly face on half the screen when, God forbid, you accidentally blow it up…

I registered just to say I genuinely am unhappy with the UI change. I just don’t understand why these changes go live without any feedback. I used to play Marvel Puzzle Quest and they also changed their UI to a much worse design, so I quit. I picked up GoW to replace that game and this game is so much more fun, but here I am again, encountering more poor UI choices. It’s extremely frustrating.


The reason we don’t like the new visuals is lack of clarity.
Just a few color codes need to be changed for more feedback on the ui elements and highlighted button.

Ah this was the time I wasn’t playing which wish I did (IP2 why did you not advertise all over!?) OT ah I like the design’s of troops especially the Heart, Shield, and Sword’s for attack ahhh the good ol days and gems and glory looking snazzy too!

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Or maybe instead give us the option to manually change the colour or where things are placed on the GUI?

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Their marketing was certainly lacking back then. The only way I found out was TotalBiscuit recommending it if you liked Puzzle Quest. Those were the days.

Oh and on topic, I’d like different options for graphics too. However, I think with the change from Adobe to Unity, they weren’t able to bring in the old stuff.