Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam, iPad
Screenshot or image:
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
When you made extensive GUI changes last year (the troop colouring disaster, and associated issues – which you STILL haven’t fixed!!!), a lot of the GUI adaptability code was apparently badly written. Probably because it wasn’t properly tested. (Enough speculation.)
The screenshots are taken on a PC in windowed mode, but I’m forced to see the same thing all the time on my iPad. Because tablets often have 4:3 aspect ratios! I don’t even want to think about how bad things might be on phones.
In the first image, you can see that the edges of troops are cut off on the left and right, making it impossible to determine Elite Levels at a glance.
The second issue that’s obvious in the first image (and happens at all resolutions and aspect ratios) is that there’s no way to tell if there’s a boss troop on the opposing team, nor to get any rarity information without clicking through. This is extremely annoying. And the irony is that there’s these wide, horizontal bands above and below each troop image that could very easily provide that information! (I believe you’re using that space a little bit for shiny troops, but that’s both less important to know and you could VERY easily do both in that space.) Having pointed this out here – and before – I suspect you don’t care, which is very discrespectful to your players, because we definitely do.
In the other two screenshots, you can see that the Guild and Faction names are mis-positioned. I’m sure there’s plenty of other examples, but these are the ones I notice every single day.
As another GUI bonus feature: The white highlight box in the second image serves absolutely no purpose, unless you are very specifically using a game controller to play. On a touch screen or when playing with mouse, it’s just ugly visual garbage. Please give us a user setting to fully turn off all of these highlight boxes (even the prettier ones). You know it makes sense.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Every time you release a new update, fail to test it properly, then refuse to respond to the vast majority of player feedback coming from the players who know the game best.