Feedback on 6.4s visual downgrades

Some of the buttons looks like buttons that has been clicked on once, and got inactive. While that is not the case, they just looks faded out.


Or at least brighten up what we are selecting a bit more


Ugh. Of all the issues with the game they spend time changing the graphics??? I am so disappointed right now.
I agree the colors on the new buttons are too similar. Do they hate colorblind people? If only there was a beta test program…


It’s great that every single bug was nailed before tinkering with the graphics.

I mean, that would have been silly to have not yet fixed an annoying thing like the game constantly warning you are not signed up for Guild Wars when you’ve actually already done it personally fifty times, and no doubt everyone else in the guild has done the same.

Bring on more tinkering I say, and leave all the bugs in place forever. Hooray!



Personally I am happy to be in a game where changes take place regularly - any changes. Many older games are pretty abandoned and never get upgrades of any kind. So don’t discourage the devs from making changes to the game. They can never please everyone anyway.


A week ago it was a better schedule, not as stressful on the eyesight

What do you think would happen to Gems of War if this company had any significant income from any other project? Puzzle Quest 3 hasn’t taken off for them yet.

There’s so many small issues that are starting to add up with Gems of War currently that its comparable to say it looks like a ship with a bunch of leaks and instead of fixing these holes, they’re throwing on another new coat of paint that no one asked for to attract new players.

Legends Reborn is also another monetization option. At this point, if its not a monetization option, they aren’t looking at it.

It won’t be too much longer until this game screams “Give Me Money” no matter what you do. I’d laugh if its when you can buy “Fey Dust” and improve Explore chest results for 24 hrs/72 hrs.


Sorry, but I have to fully disagree with this. What you are painting, is the main issue with most “free” games, especially on the mobile end:

They are intentionally unfinished.

This game has been around and in “development” for over seven years, yet if they stopped pushing new stuff into it next week, it would remain an abandoned nothing.
Compare this to the original Puzzle Quest, that delivered a rounded out experience with a beginning, middle part and end.

If the carpenters, who you want to build a house, raise one bathroom after the other and nothing else for years, each time leaving one wall open to fit on the next one, it does not matter, how many rooms your house ends up with - It is not a satisfying product.

If a game keeps blindly growing into nowhere to keep a permanent paying incentive, it won’t become a better game. It’s just a tumor, that becomes bigger until one day it breaks under its own weight and crumbles into a pile of nothing.

I don’t want more content.
I want a good game.


So, are you playing PQ over and over and over again?

I want a good game, too, but new content (if it’s good, that is) keeps a game fresh.

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What you are missin is the fact that there are bugs in GoW. Plenty of bugs. And everytime they update or patch something the bugs gettin either bigger and spawn new bugs.

15% of those bugs gettin solved, 5% are in work and 80% gettin ignored on purpose.

Personally I assume that the developers got lost in the game code or those who knew left the company and nobody has a clue how it works in total. Once you lost track it’s easier to paint the walls instead of repairin the ship.

But it’s always better to get the newest fancy art, isn’t it?


Yes there are bugs in GoW but its not the buggiest game ever and it still plays nicely, there will always be bugs in every game no matter how hard the devs try to fix them. The devs are people trying to improve their game, not gods capable of fixing every single bug. Also, they did fix some bugs this update so its not like it was just a art update

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The amount of bugs doesnt matter, if the obvious ones and those which have been announced for YEARS in some cases, gettin completely ignored.
But the biggest issue I have is the fact that nobody is honest to us and we gettin treated like idiots. Why not be honest with us and tell us which bugs could be fixed and which will probably remain forever? Why not takin advices from the community to make the game better either for engamers aswell for new players. More then 75% of the game isnt explained anywhere or just in such a poor way, I have no words for. The “official” websides contain so many outdated stuff. The “official” support webside seems to be abandoned and it’s neccessary to shout out your issues here in the forum to adress it to the developers and all the little helpers. And then you also need to be lucky that one of them is reading it and adress it to the responsible part of the company. Then you need to be lucky, it’s not beein ignored again. Then you need to be lucky a third time that it’s beein fixable.

And loadin tons of new unfinished and doublechecked stuff is not “tryin to improve the game” imo

Btw. I consider i.e. ingot or troop offerings for players who have all their stuff fully upgraded as a huge bug. But that’s just a side note which doesnt have to do anything with the topic at all.


I see your point

Well I like the new sage green buttons. They look slick and polished and much nicer than the previous flat cartoon green slabs.
I enjoy clicking on them.
They have enhanced my enjoyment of the game.


I’m not saying there shouldn’t be more bug fixes or quality of life updates. While neither of that is new content, it greatly enhanced the game experience.

What I’m saying is just that we all know what we signed up for when we started playing mobile games - while some may get a new version, many are going to get updated with more content added in hopes it keeps people engaged.

I’m bummed that it means monetization most of the time for gow - I don’t mind paying for stuff in the game but I think we deserve better in oh so many ways.

And some things seem so minor - I’d like to have at least 5 medal slots (as long as you can’t set them per team) for example. Sees minor to me.

Instead we get new chest and button looks that are more modern, I guess, but nobody asked for that. And not sure if that will get more people to stay and play the game (I’d say it won’t).

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Wow, those old graphics look awesome!

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Maybe the most disconcerting thing about the new buttons is that I have to actually read what is on these buttons now, to tell what I should be clicking.
Even though I’ve been playing for years and I know where they all should be and what they should say, they are so dull that they are not easily recognizable as clickable.

Whenever you see a dull or greyed out button in a game, it’s usually because it’s inactivated. It’s gamer code for yes, this is a button, but no, you can’t click it for some reason.
Maybe it’s my eyes, but I can barely tell the difference between an active button and an inactive one anymore.

It wouldn’t need to be as bright as it used to be, but a little boost to the vibrancy will help trigger those “click me!” feelings again.


I don’t dislike the new graphics. The green feels a little faded, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it, and I like the flourishes around title texts.

Additionally, for those who are complaining they’re updating graphics while a lot of bugs still exist, I doubt the people responsible for making the updated graphics have much to do with coding the game. Different departments, working simultaneously :wink: Also, as they’re pushing out the new graphics slowly across many updates, it again shows that code and graphics are being developed at the same time, likely by different people.


Yes, that was back when IP2 was just starting out but their graphics artist was in a good place :stuck_out_tongue:

It felt weird back then because it was quite clearly a mobile game… on PC. We were not used to that sort of thing back then and a lot of the player base rejected such a travesty.

I was happy to see when I came back that they managed to link Steam accounts to Android, the phone I happen to use. It suits it much better.

Literally made an account in the forums just to second what you wrote. The person okaying the dull green button color scheme really doesn’t grasp the basics of UX. Call to action should be clearly distinguishable from its surroundings. Right now it near blends in with the rest of the screen visuals, making the game not just uglier but also not compliant with the most basic accessibility guidelines.