The color of new UI is so ugly!

does the color designers come from 20 years ago by taking time machine?
this color style is popular in 2000.
more than that,since 7.0 updating,UI has changed several times,the color become more and more ugly!
before this,the color is beautiful.


I don’t see a specific change in colouring recently, and the only effect in this way, that I notice in the latest update, is that the game has become significantly darker, with all the borders now in shadows.

Also if you consider the colouring pre-7,0 beautiful you have not been around for a long time. I remember the amount of complaints, when, for example, all the buttons were turned from green to a pale greenish grey.

The last time, the game looked really great, was before the giant graphics update in fall 2017.
And coincidentially that change (and, by all accounts, downgrade) was justified with the excuse, that the old graphics looked “outdated” and like something “out of the 2000s”.

I’ve played enough browser games to tell you for certain: What we got now, is no “2000s design”.

I agree, I absolutely don’t understand why it was necessary to change the blue-teal to yellow-brown. As I understand it, just a change for the sake of change. So that the designer could ask for more money for more unnecessary work that no one asked for.

There are a lot of unnecessary things in this update that hinder play the game. At the same time, there are a lot of design mistakes left since the summer, which apparently no one is going to fix anymore.


i really pissed of that you said" you have not been around for a long time"! You criticize others so easily。
just let me remember"Play if you want to play, otherwise, just FK off"!as the same attitude
as you.
who are you?are you god?do you know me?which time is the LONG TIME?
I played GOW from you mean this is a short time?ANSWER me!

Nah, allow me: Gems of War launched in 2014.

The game was already five years old by the time you started playing.

Try looking up old screenshots of what the game looked like originally, the visual style has actually evolved a LOT.

i don’t know what is meaning of your meaning 4 is less than 9,so 4 is nothing?
i know when did it open,i know what did it look like in the past.because i have guildmates.
well,as you mention the originally,now the collor of yellow-brown or brown-yellow,what ever,is more like originally,even they are the same.
you say“the visual style has actually evolved”,now becoming yellow-brown is also a evolution?
Forgive me for speaking frankly,if GOW still keep the originally in 2019,If you take a glance, consider it my defeat.

To supplement,i also played Puzzle Quest.
Although I don’t know if it’s useful

No, what everyone is saying is that there was a version before the teal that they think looked way nicer.

That was before my time, too.

Nobody is saying we haven’t played long enough, just that the version they liked best was before 2019.

Doesn’t mean the new one does not have an unappealing color palette compared to the one before.

Funny how things go round in circles. When the pre7.2 design was first launched, everyone hated that their fantasy game looked like it had suddenly had a Windows 10 skin applied to it. Now people are demanding the teal back.

I don’t love everything about the new UI but personally I’m so glad the teal is gone and prefer the yellow. Each to their own though :peace_symbol:


It’s maybe not so much the brown and yellow but the actual shades?

But for sure, everyone has different tastes so it’s hardly if ever going to please everyone.

I just find the contrast between cards and ui kind of odd.