Event Chest Winnings Seem Uneven

Well @Nimhain already just spelled out how it worked which would explain that Rowanne pull.

And excluding the traitstones pulled, here’s the result of my 50 event chests.

2 Psion
3 Annointed One
1 Terraxis (of course)
19 Watcher (yay)
2 Hobgoblin
2 Ancient Horror
3 Drake Rider
5 Grave Knight
6 Lamia

I’m not complaining especially since they switched things where the arcane traitstones from the glory purchase doesn’t match Annointed One this week. It matches Psion instead.

D[quote=“Shiratori, post:21, topic:6518”]
1 Terraxis (of course)19 Watcher (yay)

Event chest are always prejudiced towards blues so this roll is normal/expected. Grats on the Psion he can be a great anchor on a daemon team