Dungeon Rewards Summary

Day Battles 50 Gems Pack ᅠᅠ ᅠ5$ Pack
Mon (blue) 100j 400s 20d 100j 400s 20d 200j 800sᅠ 50d 3GK
Tue (green) 100j 400s 20d 100j 400s 20d 200j 800sᅠ 50d 3GK
Wed (red) 100j 400s 20d 100j 400s 20d 200j 800s ᅠ50d 3GK
Thu (yellow) 100j 400s 20d 100j 400s 20d 200j 800s ᅠ50d 3GK
Fri (purple) 100j 400s 20d 100j 400s 20d 200j 800s ᅠ50d 3GK
Sat (brown) 100j 400s 20d 100j 400s 20d 200j 800s ᅠ50d 3GK
Sun ᅠᅠ 400s 70d 2GK 400s 80d ᅠᅠ1000s 150d 3GK

j = jewels
s = shards
d = diamonds
GK = gem keys


Good job! You should change the thread category for community content


Wow, thanks for this, I’ve been taking screenshots to make something like it myself but you beat me to it!

For reference, since people will ask:

  • If you spend no money and no gems, you will get 190 diamonds per week. It will take 21 weeks to have enough for a mythic.
  • If you spend no money and only the gem bundle on Sunday, you will get 270/week. 15 weeks to have enough to craft a mythic.
  • Add the $5 Sunday bundle and you get 420/week. 9 weeks for a mythic.
    • This will cost $45.
  • If you buy everything, you get 840 diamonds/week. 4.7 weeks to mythic, the only time a fraction matters.
    • This will cost $165 and 1,650 gems.


Thanks for this @netwizard


Useful thread. Because you can turn shards into diamonds (2800 shards per week = 28 diamonds), you actually get 218 diamonds per week for no money or gems, just a minimal soul cost. That means it’s only about 18 weeks to get a mythic.

I buy the 50 gem pack every day, but never spend real money. That’s 640 diamonds and 8600 shards (86 diamonds) per week. That works out to 5.5 weeks to get 4000 diamonds for a mythic. The total cost after 5.5 weeks is 1925 gems and 4730 souls.

Note: I know you can only convert shards to diamonds in batches of 1000, but over time the numbers will average out.

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We should not forget that 3000 shards and 150 diamonds are available weekly from Guild Tasks as well: 500 shards for each statue completed to level 8 and 25 diamonds for each one completed to level 11.


What exactly are shards used to craft? I haven’t ever converted any but I’m starting to regret that.

Any type of jewel, including (and preferably) diamonds.

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Yup most of people use it to craft diamonds

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So… considering more information, I try to summerize how many diamonds a player can get in a week based on action. (Please note that all shards will be craft to diamond, without consider the 100 souls cost of 1,000 shards per 10 diamond craft)

  1. Winnging all 18 colored Dungeons
    —> 6(20) + 6(400) = 120 + 2,400 = 120 + 24 = 144 diamonds

  2. Winning all 3 Sunday Dungeons.
    —> 70 + 400 = 74 diamonds

  3. Trading all 6 colored Jewel pack with gems
    —> same as winning all colored Dungeon = 144 diamonds

  4. Trading Sunday Jewel pack with gems
    —> 80 + 400 = 84 diamonds

  5. Buying all 6 colored Jewel pack with money
    —> 6(50) + 6(800) = 300 + 4,800 = 300 + 48 = 348 diamonds

  6. Buying Sunday Jewel pack with money
    —> 150 + 1,000 = 150 + 10 = 160 diamonds

  7. Finish all 66 tasks, 11 for each colors in guild
    —> 6(25) + 6(500) = 150 + 3,000 = 150 + 30 = 180 diamonds.

For reaching 4,000 for Mythic, just check on which action you plan to take in each week and combine the numbers, so in conclusion…

Max = 144 + 74 + 144 + 84 + 348 + 160 + 180 = 1,134
• Not using money = 1,134 - (348 +160) = 626
• Only trading for Sunday gem pack = 626 - 144 = 482
• Not finish all tasks = 482 - 180 = 302
• Only play Dungeons everyday = 302 - 84 = 218